
Another post because according to Taylor Swift in her interview in the InStyle I picked up for $10 ok $4.99 she says when love happens, you're happy and happiness leads to contentment which means less searching.

I don't want to lose the search. 

Coffee table for 1 please

1 Italian leather scented candle 
1 South African bottle of wine
1 Targét wine glass 

One very American girl living her own very American dream 


2-year-olds in restaurants

This precious little baby girl in her high chair, while the waiter is going over the specials to her table she yells MAC AND CHEESE

There's a girl who knows what she wants.

Miami girl

Sitting at The News wearing a zip up hoodie in 80 degree heat because still cold from NY in November and no idea what to wear to NC and confused what weather is anymore. 

Waiting for my ride to the airport and just ate scrambled eggs. They're actually cold and kind of over-cooked but they just taste good when the beach is blowing on your face.

I did wear the same thing here two nights in a row but I'm writing it all down here because it's the last time I'm going to beat myself up about it. I mean in all honesty, I did have to bring 4 jackets in my carry-on to NYC because.. fall chic. But I mean really, could I not grab a nice dress from the hanger, roll it up small and tuck it in?? All of a sudden it's 8:30 pm and it's let's all meet down here in 30 minutes and I'm supposed to go get ready for dinner but WAIT fur vests and combat boots don't really happen in Miami in November and I have ONE TJ  Maxx tank top wrinkled at the bottom of my suitcase. So I.. creatively.. layered it with a white undershirt and a $10 cotton maxi skirt. And black suede ankle boots and I'm thinking actually maybe this is pretty cute. But day two of yep this is what you're wearing again I'm convincing myself that 5 star restaurants in South Beach welcome all walks of life even careless 20-something's who don't know how to pack. 

If they weren't all dimly lit and hid half your body in banquettes and I wasn't with all older men who don't (I don't think) care, I'd be turning myself in to the police. But the second night I'm in my head coming up with excuses ready in defense of what I'm pretending I don't know is a hopeless case. "Well packing for NY and Miami in one trip is hard you know!" And "I'M HERE FOR MY BRAINS SO STOP JUDGING ME" and "It's the new trend this season, recycling outfits TRUST ME I'M COOL." Face burning as I come down the elevator, sure I'm going to be fired the second they see me.

No one noticed. 

If screwing up the NYC subway which is IN ENGLISH and forgetting to book transportation everywhere I go cant tell you enough about my inability to plan ahead, I give up. Next time I'm bringing my mother.