
you're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece

last night at this kids apartment i discovered this dog i fell in love with and he followed me around everywhere it was so cute


News from my bed

Which is new and which I'm obsessed with.  Things like new beds I feel fully appropriate being obsessed with. THANKS DAD.

In terms of packing for LA, so far there is an open suitcase on floor.  Our apartment there is furnished so that means I don't have to pack right?

On my nightstand is this copywriter's resume with a sandwich grease stain on it. This copywriter claims it was designed in Pages, so obviously I found this genius and needed to save it.  But now that it's stained I really can't find a use for it anymore.

Hot yoga and I are so hot that I don't even get sore from it anymore, which is really only problematic in that I can't complain about being sore from it anymore.

Also I'm wearing a porcupine quill necklace so do I even need a masters?

I put a piece of fresh eucalyptus in my shower because I thought it would be like a spa.  It's not really. 

Currently stuffing my face with greek takeout food and thinking about the fact that I have grad school prom tomorrow, and also the fact that grad school prom is a thing.
