
Studio illustrations used as SACI advertisements


 "...I'll never be able to make it straight. From a distance it might look straight, but when you get close up, you can always see the line waver. And I think that's where the beauty is."

"I believe there need to be women visual in our every day landscape, working hard and doing their own thing, whether you like it or not, whether it's acceptable or not...I especially hope to inspire young women because often I feel like so much emphasis is put on how beautiful you are, and how thin you are, and not a lot of emphasis is put on what you can do and how smart you are. I'd like to change that, change the emphasis of what's important when looking at a woman." 

Though diagnosed with breast cancer, Kilgallen opted to forgo chemotherapy so that she might carry a pregnancy to term. She died in 2001, at age 33, three weeks after the birth of Asha, her daughter with her husband and collaborator Barry McGee.


Using studio life drawings as Starbucks advertisements




For studying, freaking out, complaining, or falling asleep on dusty 5-inch textbooks from 1953 for term research papers to. Whichever your little oh-my-god-1-month-til-graduation heart desires~


Below you will find a draft of my personal intent statement for applying to grad school. Please email me if you have any constructive criticism. Yes, I'm using my blog as a HELP ME FORUM. Thanks in advance lovas. 

I started my academic career at UNC-Chapel Hill with the liberating thrill of being "undecided." I spent my first two years studying every field the school offered, from documentary theater to chemistry, anthropology to computer science, even summer courses in philosophy and African culture.  I was already a junior when I fell in love with the 3-hour studio courses in the art department.  My hands were always black with charcoal, every pair of jeans I owned stained with India ink, but finally, this was a major worth declaring.  I loved having the MFA grad students as teachers and getting to see what projects they were working on outside of class. My professors were professional artists touring the country as visiting artists. I was ecstatic to become a part of this greater art world.

I’d stop into local art galleries around campus to see what local artists were up to and submitted t-shirt designs for my sorority events. I frequented the contemporary art museums in my area and artist lectures to stay current with other artists’ ideas and ongoing projects. I loved tying it all back to advertising and how people never stop being attracted to good art. I’d take all the “starving artist” warnings to come, as long as I got to keep making stuff people wanted to look at.

With 2 years left to graduate, I would be cutting it close but I planned my last semesters so that it could happen.  I had accumulated a bunch of journalism courses as the advertising classes kept me coming back for more. More strategy. More creative thinking. More cool fonts.  I was sitting in class "JOMC 272" one day listening to a guest speaker Bob Ranew recount a day in the life of a creative director and remember thinking "Yes. This is what I want to do." I figured I could start by building my studio art portfolio and securing the minor in advertising.

I was accepted to study at Studio Art Centers International for a semester in Florence, Italy to gain an international perspective on art and advertising. I came back and took on freelance illustration work to develop a professional name. I continued to maintain a blog where I keep track of my inspirations which are often music and words.  In that space I experiment with different moods and aesthetics and even practice blog-post layouts to learn what people want to look at and what it is that makes them want to look at it.  

I'm a graduating senior from Carolina, realizing now that if I knew I wanted a life in art direction all along, SCAD would have been ideal for undergrad.  But four short years ago I was seduced by the freedom of liberal arts and the pep of college football, and here I am graduating from Carolina working towards that life anyway.  As I’ve spent the past 2 years building a fine arts portfolio and not an advertising portfolio, I decided to take some selected studio work (several life drawings and illustration pieces) and put an advertising spin on them to develop different campaigns.

At SCAD, I intend to master the Photoshop skills I'm still developing, evolve my fine arts training as a foundation to my continued education in advertising, and build a professional advertising portfolio to prepare for a career in art direction. I'm excited to meet the other players in the industry, learn their ideas and team up to produce cohesive campaigns to market to real companies.  I want to merge my fine arts expertise with my professional goals in advertising: travel to take photos, use my love of music and videography to construct multimedia concepts, incorporate my passion for writing and text into my creative work. I want to collaborate with production houses to make ads that say something.  Through SCAD, I intend to achieve these goals and actualize a professional life in art direction.  


All we've got are skies

This head that I hold is a LITTLE TIRED

I don't want to read anymore/ I'm scared for my exams.
I don't want to wake up early anymore/ I don't like the dark circles around my eyes.
I don't want to catch the bus anymore/ but Next Bus is the most convenient app, like ever.
I don't like drinking water after I brush my teeth.  
I don't like the way the fan in my bathroom turns on automatically when you turn on the light. There's no way to stop it because they're connected and when I need the light I have to have the loud fan on too, by default and I feel helpless.

I watched a squirrel eat an acorn today and it was honestly so cute. I really haven't stopped thinking about it.

Also ran out of strawberry crystal light packets today so really not sure how tomorrow's going to happen.



after studying for 10 minutes

Ok! Ready for spring break!