
I think it burns my sense of truth to be shouting at my youth

The following musical snack is reminiscent of being dropped off at the mall with your friends and shell necklaces and flip phones and $60 Roxy wallets to spend 8 hours and all your babysitting money at Hollister where you buy one, seriously important that you have it, ripped up, paper-thin t shirt because OCEAN RESCUE LAGUNA 86 DUH

But also inspired by the desire to continue defining yourself after life leaves it up to you.     

And so, if you have 12 minutes you should really watch the whole thing.  Or, skip ahead to 7:30 for a summarized understanding of all global concepts on common level ground.  


When did I even start this blog? When did I even start life?

I noticed on somewhere like linked in it said I've been at my current job for 8 months.  It says August-present (8 months). It felt like that was a long time.  Even though it's not, really (aren't you supposed to work for 30 years before you retire?) it just put into perspective how in 4 more months it will have been a year, and then one year before that I was still in school.  I was still a clean slate, in a way, un-phased by the real world.  Sure, I had my share of screwing up, awkward confrontations, etc.  But it was always "safe." I was still "just" an undergrad or still "almost legal."  There was always that promise that I would be better, do it right next time around, get to start for real this time. That something of a milestone was coming up next, like turning 16 or 18 or 21 and I would be different.  Improved.

Then I graduated college and finally, I've started for real this time.  And I'm like wait, this is it? I've already started? And Linkedin is like yep! 8 months in!

I feel unfinished. Sometimes I still feel 14, yet to get my braces off.  Yet to make my own decisions.  Waiting for someone (who?) to tell me what to do.  And then I feel 22 and I feel all the decisions I've made.  I feel all the marks on my slate. But I don't want them to be there yet I just put them there because I didn't realize it was for real this time.  I feel responsible for myself.