
A beautiful bride and her handsome groom and the two people who were late to their wedding

We're stopped at a stoplight before getting on the highway and I turn around in my seat so he could zip me up. I'm sweating kind of and I'm out of breath and trying to suck it in.

We're listening to this song, getting onto the highway now.  We're going pretty fast because we're late. Like really late. And it's completely my fault and I'm careless and I didn't check what time the dry cleaners closed on Saturday and I don't plan ahead and we both know that and there's nothing anyone can do about it now.  But somehow, for some reason, he's not mad, or at least he's not acting like it.  He's just driving along, looking over to smile at me.  We're going to be late to his best friend's older brother's wedding but somehow, for some reason, he's talking about how my 4 sizes-too-small dress from 4 years ago that I sprinted from his still-running car up my mom's driveway in my new heels to grab from my old closet as fast as I could is perfect and you look so good you should have picked this one to begin with.


Listen to the mustn'ts, child. 
Listen to the don'ts. 
Listen to the shouldn'ts, 
the impossibles, the won'ts. 
Listen to the never haves, 
then listen close to me...
Anything can happen, child. 
Anything can be.

Shel Silverstein 


22 was work hard, play harder.  23 is dream big, work bigger.  I like 23 because all 23 has been telling me so far is that I am capable. 23 thinks I'm strong and 23 says nothing but keep it up. I like her. Telling me I is smart and I is kind and I is important. Can I just be 23 forever! I love you 23! 



and I'm so ready

On being thorough

Sometimes I'm not thorough when I talk about myself and I think it prevents people from taking a chance on me. I've always been overly cautious when talking about myself.  Not in a shy way, more in a oh wow this is so awkward let's redirect this conversation kind of way.  And I end up with bits and pieces of me out there instead of a straight-up, beginning middle and end, on the rocks story of me, the best person in the world. (Wait what?)

I've always just toned it down, wrapped it up. Stopped talking, changing the subject with a joke.  Never wanting to be irrelevant, never wanting to bore, never wanting to be the "did you hear about how awesome my life is, here you don't have to ask, I'll just tell you" person.  But those are the people that I'm drawn to, those are the people whose confidence I admire, want to be more like.  So why doesn't it go both ways? 

And I mean come on are you trying to be humble or something.  Isn't the whole point of talking about yourself to show off? 

Be prouder. More confident. Straight up. I say to myself. And that's easy enough.  I can motivationally speak with the best of em.  When it comes down to it and it's time to share who I am, what my story is, it's like I am so highly protective of my feelings and experiences that at the threat of letting someone interpret, understand me, I run away.  It's not that I don't want to share, or don't think my life is awesome enough to share, but maybe it's that I am so connected to my story, the journey as a whole is so precious to me, that the idea of setting it free terrifies me.  Like I'm not done with it yet, why would I share my story with you now?  It's been confusing, irrational, messy, non-traditional.  Accomplished, at times, less than successful at others. If it doesn't make sense to me yet, so how can it make sense to you?

What I'm forgetting is that it doesn't have to. I just have to keep talking. 


"Happy earth day, or happy thing that revolves around me day"

So now you're probably wondering what my story is. And now I want to share. Lucky you!

My story is good food. Every day. Working for a hospitality group means while yea we sell an experience, a lifestyle, our product is the food. And that needs to be tested and scrutinized and damn well enjoyed. All of it. Every day.

My story is concept design. 
It's what I do, it's why my boss pays me. It's what I'm good at- or am dedicated to being better at.  It's what my glorious "creative director" title means. I listen to the ideas of the owners, architects, managers, chefs and marketing people of the project on hand and, well, design the concept.  Everything from logo options to mood, from uniform to menu. Architectural design and interior design.  I get to collaborate with the architect which is by far the most fascinating aspect to me.  I put together a presentation and most of the work from there is editing, customizing.  Understanding what someone wants and being able to visually translate it is my skill, my value, my craft. 

My story, right now, is that. I'm not super high up, or seasoned and experienced.  In fact I'm the opposite, never had prestigious internships or relevant experience. Never really needed it, I've always gotten by just being a really good beach girl. But I told you I wasn't done yet. I just wanted to share this part of the journey.


Twice a year High Point, NC holds the largest furniture market in the world.  I don't know what the normal approach to attending this market is, but I would describe the Giorgios Group approach to the market as anything but ..attending.. It's physically enduring. Strategizing. Dedicating.  Focusing.  SWEAT IS POURING DOWN YOUR FACE AS YOU REACH THE EXIT DOORS. IT'S A MARATHON PEOPLE. It really is like a marathon, without numbers on your shirt. Actually everyone has ID passes hanging around their necks, soo all the more marathon-like.  And I guess some do just pop in for a cocktail and browse. And that's cool and probably way more pleasant. But if you don't take this as a multi-12-hour-day-pack-the-phone-chargers-and-wear-comfortable-shoes event, you probably don't take your creative direction career very seriously.  Or, you don't have 12 ongoing projects and 4 new clients.  Or, you do, and you're just less of a drama queen.

My goal of the market, or any show, for anyone, really, is to see what's new, what's different and where you can get the best for the cheapest.  Because it's probably here. Some companies have entire buildings and warehouses throughout the streets of High Point rented out with floors and floors of showrooms.  Others have an allotted space in the "interhall" (like a convention center) where it's more like walking around a mall of hundreds of boutiques.  Everything is (barely) walking distance, so naturally, you walk blisters and all.  You have one week to see it all.  It's an hour away from home, so you want to be efficient.  Those are the rules.  On your mark, get set, marathon.

Working like this isn't cut and dry, this will go here and that will go there.  You're not setting out to check off a list or looking for a specific piece, because you don't know what that piece is yet.  So you have to think in the mindset of the person, the brand you're working on.  Some even overlap, in one way or another, so everything down to geographic location has to be considered.  And when you're juggling these all different brands and identities, it's easy to get distracted or clouded in judgement.  Focus is everything.  The free mini bars everywhere, YOU GUYS SUCK.

Sometimes you can tell, as soon as you walk in to a place, which project you can find something for.  Sometimes the it takes breaking a piece down to its core principles and elements to understand why it will or won't work.  Thanks studio art exams that make you draw a line matching element to definition! 

And alas, ahoy, whatever, like walking away with a runner's high, I come out on the other side with invoices ready to ship out, new contacts and, the best part, an entire library of furniture, tables, lighting, smallware and decorative pieces organized with prices, style numbers and dimensions.

With fulfilled concepts for current projects and inspirations for new ideas, I leave the High Point market satisfied and excited.  And visually dead.

Marathons are awesome!



"If you're going to do it, don't worry about it. If you're going to worry about it, don't do it."

I've been worrying about a lot of stuff recently, getting everything done and all.  It took me a couple weeks of stressing myself out to remember these very settling words of wisdom from my mom.