
I love how you are when your favorite song comes on 
I love your baggy work jeans and steel toe boots that don't break or anything when you step on them 
When you hug me and your armpits smell like sweat but also man deodorant 
love you when you put the back of your hand under my chin and trace my cheeks with the back of your fingers 
When you make a joke when I'm annoyed that you know will just make me more annoyed but it's always really funny and I actually hate that so I'm taking it off the list 
And I love you when you dance like you think you're the greatest rapper alive 
And then we ask each other who you would say is the greatest rapper alive and then it turns into top 3 and the answers are always the same 
For you at least 
I love you when you say something just because you know I want to hear it
Like when we were in the really cool boutique in soho and you said it looked like we were in my room 
I love you when you don't understand how I feel like everything is crashing because to you it's never everything that is crashing 
When you wrap your leg around my leg in your sleep
I love how when you say you have to do errands you mean you have to do laundry and vacuum 
When you're really thirsty when you get here and chug water for like 30 seconds straight
I love how you're actually literally always right, like about everything
And I always think I am and you let me be for a while but then every time you end up being right 
The way you always get hot fries at gas stations on road trips why do you even like hot fries 
How some days you're too busy for me and I wait and wait for your next text and think of stuff like this