
hello, how ya been? welcome to the dating life eh!

this guy's been wanting to hang out all week. i keep turning down/rescheduling. last night, we finally made plans for a movie Sunday evening (tonight).
Two good male friends tell me not to go, that he just wants to hook up.
I tell me i kind of want to go hang out and watch the movie.
I believe them.
1- because i knew that without them having to tell me. i'm 20, i know my guy language.
2- they're the actual guys.

what? so we can never hang out with guys because all they will ever want to do is hook up? i mean, this can't just be case-specific to this guy.. something tells me my two good male friends know their stuff. i know this whole hang out/watch a movie thing entails comfortable seating which entails couch/bed seating which then entails not actually sitting but laying, which entails cuddling, which.. ok. see. i know. but still, what are we supposed to do? go bowling?


/contently single.. but can't a girl want a little cuddling attention from time to time?