

Here's a lil song for you. Love him. And his gorgeous lil 17 year old self. /ifeelold.
All my friends are turning 21. I still got a lil while. /imimpatient
I had a really stressful day. The kind of stressful where at the end of it you don't know what to do with yourself  because you're still in day-mode.  So now it's 11:52 and i'm all like, "Whaa where'd my day go"
and then i'm all like "Naah don't tell me I don't wanna know"
My legs are itchy because they're dry. It's barely fall and Winter's already like, "Suckaa got ya now and summer won't be saving you any time soon!" Winter hates me.
Kind of like Blue's roommate. Which I can't figure out why. But it kind of hurts my feelings.
In light of it being Monday and being that usually Mondays are so.. Monday and being that today was so.. Monday.. I'm going to think of 3 things that were good about today. In spite of it being Monday.

1. Great turkey sandwich on Ciabatta with pesto, mozarella, tomato and onion. And the sandwich maker and I flirted a lil bit and he gave me two pickles on the side and winked. But thinking about it now, it was probably a "You're gonna need those salty pickles after all those onions you're about to get on your breath..Heh heh heh. ;)"
2. My group in my advertising class being equally exhausted and stressed and making jokes about it. And when we were laughing really hard as we walked into class late, not realizing we were late until.. we realized we were late. /my life is awkward
3. Drying off from a hot shower and pulling on a soft t shirt and smothering your lips in balmy chapstick. Mmm. It's the little things, guys. The little things.

I'm off to upload some HerCampus content.
But first i'll leave you with this text message i just received:

"It's Caroline I read the message, you were gone Kelly said you were good at flirting I need help"

See that boys? Kelly said I'm good at flirting. So where are you hiding?
Come out so I can flirt with you. I'm good at it, I promise. Kelly said so.