
lukin guuud

7 am. 
It's going to be a drizzly day. 
You're having a kind of beachy hair day, so you're like, no problem. 
You spray some whatever in it, leave your face alone for a no-makeup look, and you're out the door.

You leave your house thinking you look like this: 

You get to class and realize you actually look like this: 

So you throw your hair up. 
Your favorite, casual, effortless look. 
You think you look like this: 

You get to work and realize you actually look like this: 

Ah, some days you just can't win. 
And have to settle with looking like a man. 

Here's to getting used to that awkward in-between kind-of short, kind-of medium length hair

Happy rainy, but kind of a little bit sunny now Wednesday! 


then ya fat friend, her nickname is mini-van

hip hop vs. the world: a mashup wonderland from em_H14 on 8tracks.

I can't help but look sratty (you like dat?) on rainy days. It's like all the srats went and found all the good rain-day wear and made it their "thing." At least my limbs were warm and dry.

Today was really good meals at the house. I'm talking toasted Reubens on Rye for lunch, and pecan chicken, wild rice, avacado salad and our chef's famous L'Arrows BANANA PUDDING for dinner -this dessert is life. Can't describe.

On top of good food, I had good classes today. Which is probably why I wanted to drop in to the blog. Gotta document these good times we're having here. Recession? naahhh.

Me and my banana pudding potbelly need to go get some work done. And some photos taken. Not of us! Art photoshoot! I'll put some copies up of my work masterpieces later. Gaterz. Bye!


Cheers to me

1 me.
1 bottle of $12 wine I bought for myself.
1 arctic monkeys "baby I'm yours" on repeat
1 me thinking it's karaoke version.
1 me being wrong.
It's not karaoke version.
1 me ditching a pre game with friends because I wanted to hang out with myself for an hour or so.

Sometimes I just need that, you know? A good name for it would be hour shan retreat. I fall apart if I don't get it once a day. I can't help it, sometimes i just want to walk around my room and sing baby i'm yours to myself while i stain my teeth red. I hear Steph "Shaaaann? ing" up the stairs. Looks like I've got company. Now go up to that list and change all the 1's to 2's. I love this house.  



new project, from Trash to Couture

I've tackled masking tape, gouache, wood. Jersey knit, I'm coming for ya. 


ohohoh ohhhhhh

This is how I feel about boyfriends you haven't heard from in days 24 hours. Well. This is how I feel about them after getting out of class 2 hours early, going kickboxing instead, and eating engulfing dinner in full sweat, standing up, dancing a little bit to this song that came on the radio while also typing this post on my laptop which is sitting on the counter. That was meant to sound highly enjoyable. Because it is. Not sure why.

Tiring long stressful funny boring mischievous hectic typical day. Oh! You wanted to dance a little too? Excuse my full work-day analysis. Here you go. Press play up there and intermix dramatic, interpretative dance with sultry, hip-hop-like movements. You're welcome!

a Shanlife original "painting"

This happened to me last night as I was doing my nails. So I made a meme for it, mostly because that's what everyone cool is doing lately according to my facebook news feed. *Note: I am only friends with anyone cool on facebook- which is how I came to that conjecture. But lion pain aside, my nails look great. And purple. Some of them have comforter imprints though because I fell asleep as they were drying. I call it texture.



You know you're starting to become a Bob's regular when...

..a lot of Bob's wristbands are in your trashcan..

When my roommate's not home I...

..lock my door and strip down to my drawers and paint 38''x48'' canvases. songs like this:

....with stuff like this:

..and it's awesome. 


Things that don't rock

-freezing cold labs. Can't. feel. my. face.

Like why? Turn some heat on, people! It's still February and I'm pretty sure the air conditioning is on. I'm holding my laptop charger in my lap for warmth. That's what I call resourceful. And I wasn't even a Girl Scout! Ok I was an Indian Princess.

And wow now I am clearly a 21st century girl. Ah, technology.



When all the boyfriends of the house come over and the house gets that much louder and deep-voiced, it's like I'm at home. ESPN goes on, frozen pizzas go in the oven, jokes are laughed at. It's something about those zip up hoodies and messy counters and humongous shoes at the door that makes me so happy. I love having boys around so much, whether I'm propped up on a counter in the kitchen in the midst of them all or laying in my bed hearing their deep laughs travel up the stairs.. I don't even have to be interacting with them to get that sense of joy and comfort when they're around.

It's something about their shoulders. Or their sense of humor. Or how they wear their jeans. Or how they trust you with whatever button-down you tell them to wear. Or the way when a game is on, they just tune out everything a girl is saying, and somehow still hear everything the other guys in the room are saying. They like food, and they eat a lot of it. But when they have a huge bag of chips, they only eat a few. They drink orange juice out of the carton and when they walk around a room the whole floor shakes. I'm gonna go ahead and say with complete confidence that it's growing up with brothers that makes me feel so at ease when males are around. Maybe that's too obvious, or maybe I just love my brothers that much and it carries over to anyone with strong arms and a reason to put the seat up when they pee. I don't really know but whatever it is, boys are the best.

Solutions: by Shannon

Left home at 7:30 a.m. Returned: 9:15 pm.
I have so much to do.

A normal person would probably make a list and start with #1. Or #4... Or go from bottom up.. (i.e. #162)
I am probably  going to paint my nails and eat ice cream while I sit in bed for a half hour or so.


My dreamcatcher didn't work last night i hope it works tonight

TIRED. my hands are black because I've been sketching in my bed because I am too cold to get out of it because my hair is still wet from a shower and I'm too tired to get up and wash them. So, I suppose I'll brush them along my boxer shorts and wear my wolf mittens while I sleep so that I don't accidentally lick my hands while I sleep because then I would get charcoal poisoning. Which I don't think exists. Heard it here first. GOODNIGHT world and thank all the dolphins in the sea for Thursday! 

Sup weekend I see you there poking your cute little head out of the 9 hour studio day that lies ahead. I'm gonna get ya!


My design teacher divided us into little groups and assigned a "color scavenger hunt." Which you would think would be, go find green and purple! go find white! go find all the colors! But which hereto instead hencethereforth was, go find analogous triadic prismic color with atmospheric perspective! go find violent monochromatic with limited value scale! go find ironic color that communicates ambivalence! 

So off we went, the four of us with our cameras wandering around Franklin street, which soon turned into wandering around the colorful back alleys of Carrboro, looking scavenging for all these color schemes, not hesitating to stop into the Looking Glass for a cup-a-jo-to-go (you like that?)

3 hours later, we have an awesome series of shots with various examples of color composition, all defined by phrases I had not heard of before this morning.  

Now I'm in the lab being a science girl, waiting for my water samples to sonicate. Oh how I thrive on the contradiction! 

Warm weather love from the hill!