
My friends have started a countdown


So time to realize I actually have to leave this place. Yesterday I put some dirty laundry in my laundry basket, which concluded my first step towards packing. Also got some upcoming flight info sorted out, and by I, I mean my grandpa because he's good at things like getting upcoming flight info sorted out (my mom says its because of his NY accent- and I believe it). Also started buying less groceries because, well, not much time left to eat them all (don't worry I'll find the time, somehow.) 

So those are my stay calm deep breaths towards accepting time's up. I'd say I'm getting better at it but hot tears were inching down my cheeks after watching Monsters, Inc. yesterday in Italian class so I don't know if I'm definitely getting better at it yet or not per say. 

AND just so you know, a semester spent holed up in the pretty little studios (see: leaking roofs, crowded easels, sloped tables) of SACI Florence means I made a lot of stuff. I mean documenting it all should count as a final project of its own. So while there are tons of other things I could do with it all, I figure I might as well just show it off on here, aka tabs at the top. They don't have anything in them yet, but you just wait! 

ps, is it towards or toward? 

I miss everyone. See you guys soon. Readers in Taiwan, I miss you too. Prob won't see you soon..