
"If you don't build your dreams, someone will hire you to help build theirs"

Between designing menus and drawing on chalkboards and interior shopping for 3 days straight in High Point (INCLUDING A SATURDAY), I've had hardly any time to write about myself.  Which basically hurts, because how rude for work to take up so much time I can't even blog???  But it's also annoying, all jokes aside, because to others it seems like I'm putting myself first, when to me, it seems like I'm putting work first. But in a way, isn't that like putting myself first? Because I love it, because it makes me happy, because it makes me proud? Then why doesn't it feel like it? 

I'm making everyone I don't care about happy. 

At my best, I have time to write, eat, paint my nails, catch up on friends (the ones I still have) and take showers. Lately it's all I can do to wear my hair down. This is not good. But while it's not good, it's ok because what's life if it's not this constant struggle of finding a balance? I'm trying.  So it's not bad. It's just time's up for now. Time's up for putting work first, for now. You've proven yourself.  You're doing a good job. Now keep giving it your all without giving it your everything.

me walking to work,
just got new shoes.
^  what I actually look like