
Office Gossip

Recently (ok today) an individual I had worked with breached the account I use to make websites.  He had called while I was in class and because I did not respond immediately, took the liberty of dealing with it himself- even calling the password assistance number of the site- and successfully gained access to my account.

Ok so what?

This problem-solving behavior may be overlooked in some professional settings, and even praised, as proactive as it is.  And while he had his reasons, which were not harmful I may add, I had a hard time expressing my problem with the true crime comitted here, which goes against creatives anywhere.

On my follow-up phone call (barely, I repeat, barely over an hour later) the carelessness and crass of his response led to more aggressive tones and ultimately one of those "have a nice day" hang-ups.  Shocked at the immaturity and lack of professional etiquette, I followed up once more, this time with an email- Cc'd to the big heads involved (ya feel me)- providing unfortunately my deep disappointment with the disrespect of a -in all honesty- hired scam  fellow colleague.

In an equally Cc'd return, (because you're on the edge of your seats, right?) he patronized me as a professional (Note: I've gathered this is because of my email address?) and summed up that it's not his problem anymore.

Nothing life-changing happened.  I understand what this person needed from me.  Which I could have attended to quickly and effortlessly if I had been asked directly.  The crime is simple, and maybe sensitive: I was left out of a move that involved my personal account.  Not personal in that it is my personal life, but personal in that it is my own work.  And as a creative, that is all I have.

So no blood.

But nobody puts his hands on my work.  I am a Creative.  And I will protect it fiercely.