
I want to be this kind of bride

I also want to be a lot of other things this year (not that i want the bride thing this year, duh) but it was in reading C's 2011 resolutions that i thought maybe writing it all down will help me stick to it more. 
So, this will probably be boring and unimaginative, but here goes.

-i want to be healthy when choosing foods and how much to eat
-i want to wake up to do yoga once every day. Evening yoga might be just as rewarding.
-i want to introduce myself to at least two new people in each of my classes this semester
-i want to make a point to go to my teachers' office hours at least once every three weeks.
-i want to keep relaxing time and studying time distinctly different and separated by space, activity, and location. This means no studying in bed, no blogging in the library, and no hanging out at my desk if a twelve-page paper sits atop. Good.

okay, so that's it. Not a long list, but enough for a challenge. And that's exactly what i want in 2011. 
To push myself and not settle.
Lez do the damn thing