Finals. For like 10 days I find that my hair is always in a greasy ponytail, my hands are dry from not moisturizing, I'm either too full or too hungry, my eyebrows aren't groomed, my eyes burn from refusing to sleep and I start to get sick towards day 7 or 8. I decided to put this go-to list together mainly for my own reference, but it's also pretty useful for people who like tea. And lately, I'm one of those people. 1, because I tend to look to food/drinks/edible delicious things to put into my mouth when I have any or all of the below problems. And also because all this complaining-about-shit habit needs to go.
If you're...
-stressed out
-about to go to bed
Try: Chamomile tea
-trying to lost weight
-feeling sick
Try: Green tea
-feeling sluggish
-have a stomachache
Try: Chai tea
-trying to burn fat
-breaking out
Try: Oolong tea
Try: Peppermint tea
and a little music therapy never hurt.
Happy studying!