
...I just can't even comprehend....

I walked away from the movie The Hunger Games speechless in awe and satisfaction for the way the movie was cast and directed.  I cried multiple times throughout, including during Rue's gruesome death, so not unlike reading the book, seeing the movie was a full-on emotional, incredible experience. Three days after seeing it, I still cannot stop thinking about the movie. I am dumbfounded to read this blogger's review of an audience with whom I am ashamed and sickened to have shared The Hunger Games experience. 

"The posts go on and on and on. It's not just a coupe of tweets, it's not just a coincidence. There's an underlying rage, coming out as overt prejudice and plain old racism. Sternberg is called a "black bitch," a "nigger" and one person writes that though he pictured Rue with "darker skin," he "didn't really take it all the way to black." It's as if that is the worst possible thing a person could be..." 

"These people are MAD that the girl that they cried over while reading the book was "some black girl" all along. So now they're angry. Wasted tears, wasted emotions. It's sad to think that had they known that she was black all along, there would have been [no] sorrow or sadness over her death."

See the full blog post here