
Anything can happen

It's the morning after my work's glamorous annual "Greek Night" and I'm glamorously on my couch eating Greek yogurt and watching music videos- that is before I glamorously get to work on my laptop. Maybe you're wondering about my new job. Maybe you're not, but I feel like telling you anyways. Not because I want to rub my dream job in your face or because I'm okay with living at home while I find a new place in Raleigh's hippie girlfriend named Durham. But because dreams are precious and fragile and chasing them is so fun, that it's all I can do not to run up to the rooftop and shout about it. And hope the same happens for you.

It started with a silk jumpsuit. If you think your wardrobe can't land you a great gig, you're expectations of the business world aren't shallow enough.  Throw in a savvy business man and the words "you need me on your team" and if you're dreamer enough to chase it, pounce and kill, you can consider yourself hired.

I guess what I'm trying to say is no one offered me this position. No one came to my door one morning and said welcome to your new job! I saw the opportunity like a ripe, juicy orange and wanted it. It was impossible for me to walk away from so I made myself impossible to turn down.  In order to be different, you must be irreplaceable. Chanel said. And I agree.  Designers are a dime a dozen. I know people with portfolios to die for.  But passion. That can't be matched.  And if you believe in something, you're already half way there. Got that one from a Chobani yogurt lid.

After completing 2 branding projects and a design project for the new boss, one of the general managers came to me and said, "I've been working for [boss] for over 25 years.  He's a hard man to please and he said you've turned around [these projects] exactly how he wanted them, and fast. My compliments Ms. Smith."

Yea, I'm awkward that I memorized that because it's the nicest thing anyone professional has ever said to me. And where else to indulge in re-reading it over and over again besides the blog?  Not getting ahead of myself by any means, which is by far my worst fear, but it was a rewarding way to start this new position as creative director for a lifestyle design and concept development group. (official description, bet you didn't know sound and letter groupings mattered in the success of a name! shh, branding secrets!)

So cheers, or should we say YAMAS! to those times when things kind of really do work out.

And to doing good work, and fast.