
there are good writing days and bad writing days and the kind of writing days you just don't publish

I don't know how to start so I'll kick this off with a little personal music inspo as of late. This girl is love.

and now I know how to say it.

Did you ever walk through the woods as a kid? Trekking your way through the trees to the fort your little brothers and you built for eating Eggo waffles you stole from the kitchen? Or kicking your way through leaves down to the half-dried up creek where you could still see your house but your best friends and you reigned over a whole city of frogs and river mermaids?

Those woods feel like my world right now.

Big. Infinitely big. Not so scary in the parts where I stomped out paths. But unknown in the parts I haven't. Knowing the mysterious field at the top of the clearing where the farmer will come out and kill you was there. Daring each other to run up there anyways.  Approaching a muddy spot too wide to leap over but I do it anyway and land one foot in the sinking sand.  A place to escape but also a place to find danger.  A place for meeting and laughing but also a place to find yourself left and alone.

I'm trying to stay on the path I already stomped out. Near the creek where I can still see my house. But now I'm reigning by myself and the frogs ribbet too loud and the mermaids hide in the algae.  If I leap and land in the mud will the sinking sand suck me in?

That farmer isn't real. But why aren't we laughing?