
Icy rain, white skies and nachos

Being that I'm in the real world now and that Christmas break isn't a real thing, I'm trying to make the most of my Christmas spirit on the weekends. I've been kind of blue-sy lately for no particular reason other than it's cold and my skin's dry and I like to subconsciously convince myself that that's a good reason to be sad. But I got the teeniest tree at a little tree farm for $10 and it's the best thing because not only does it smell deliciously wintry and fits perfectly next to my TV stand, it's so light that I could carry it from my car into my apartment by myself WITH GROCERIES, in one trip, without looking like a lumberjack.  I went out looking for a tree stand first at Costco with no luck then Home Depot where they only had big ones for 8 footers. And as I'm walking back to my car I see a dad and kid tying their 8-footer to their mini van and there on the ground is a tiny little tree stand. Immediately I turned around and asked where in the world did you find that perfect little stand. The dad picks it up and hands it to me and said they got it last year but they wanted a bigger tree this year so here, you can have this one, Merry Christmas. And that was my reminder that people are good and that blue-sy or not I should be good back to them.

So here I am having a mango tea wishing I was living in summer and that my skin wasn't so dry. But I'm not and it's winter and without even trying, this little tree makes very happy it is.