
really, no subject

i had one of those really fabulous days when your hair is doing something good, your skin is glowing like an expectant mother, you have on a really, really perfect outfit, and an excellent jacket to publish your look. 

i wanted to write about it to express my contempt for this kind of day. after studying this kind of day all day, I've concluded a few things: this kind of day cannot be created. it just happens. it's one of those days that begins forming its beautiful, bitchy self in the middle of the night because even early on, it knows two things: its going to make an appearance (rare), and its going to make sure you do absolutely nothing that day so that nobody else gets to envy your day. What a waste. i didn't see anyone useful today. i didn't even go anywhere besides some hidden field in Cary to pick up my little brother from baseball. this day also made sure that there were no cute older brothers also picking their little brothers up from baseball. I mean, i felt like Santa Monica today. If i were determined enough to book a flight this morning, just so I could be in California on my "day," would it have happened? or would my day have found some way to lock me up in my house to make sure only I could witness the relieving equilibrium of my appearance? i can't believe how much i'm complaining. must be pms. i hope it doesn't hear me getting angry. i want it to come around again.