
Class hasn't even started

Ok this is about to be really cliche. But I really miss a Saturday where there is nowhere to be. No alarms, no 3 o'clock meetings, no I have to go pick up these things at this place before this time(s). I'm not reminiscing a Saturday in particular; I don't even remember the last time I had this kind of Saturday. Maybe I've never had one, and I just like thought of it. I like the thought of sleeping in carelessly and getting out of bed just because I feel like it. I want to decide what to wear not based on what I'm doing that day, but decide what to do based on what I want to wear. I want to listen to the On and On album in its entirety while I get ready for the day. and i want getting ready for the day to mean cooking breakfast and feeling out which shoes do best to the clothes i'm wearing. I hope it takes forever. With maybe two minutes to put on some really good mascara. Since i have nowhere to go, I would then decide to go somewhere. then not go. the bliss of it.

Okay so two hours later I would get restless not having done anything all day, and what, it's probably already 2 or 3 in the afternoon by this point, so I'd quick think of that thing i saved for some Saturday I'd have some free time, and do it. it'd probably be boring like bringing my car to get inspected or picking up some dental floss at the store.

I'll just have to remember next time to try harder to have a completely non-existent, entirely too long nowhere-to-go Saturday. next time.