
Hey man, now you're really living

I want to pack for skiing/but i dont know if you can actually go yet
i have to depo a check at the bank/but i dont know where my wallet is
i want to go out/but i don't want to leave the house
I want to eat/but i already ate lunch
i want to use my new nail polish/but my current color looks kinda good
I need to walk my neighbors dog/okay yeah, I'll go do that.

You're an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry

Lucky you have me to keep lines clear as can be. 
_delete. it's become MUB (most used button) on my phone.

now for what i actually came here to do. 
I'm holding my breath and doing denim on denim today. I feel more like a seventies mom than a trendy Gap girl. Sigh. At least i won't embarrass myself in public via [any] plans today. Was that "embarrass myself in public" i heard? Sounds like nothing but a recipe for a C+S day. Has Cary met Mother Gail yet? I don't think she's visited for all but too long. OH almost forgot. Babysitting must conclude first. Now in the meantime. 
Breakfast, MTV. Check
Clean. Check
Yoga. Check 
Shower. Check 
Organize clothes in drawers. Check. 
Fill box for Goodwill. Check. 

soooo....now what
That one boy is home from Aruba... 

God damn right it's a beautiful day



but you're my favorite thing by far, that's gotta count for something

today was delightfully long and satisfying. The kind of day where you do so many things you stop while you're doing one thing and say, "is it still today?"


dzoin today:

how bizarre/by OMC w/ four slices of cinnamon toast (woah dat shi*z taszty)
gym gym gym
java java java
SHOPPING- for other people.. right???
daniels w tha gurlz...classsic
secret santa w tha gurlz...classsic
baking christmas cookies with tha gurlz...classsic
ridin out an around to see christmas lights...classsic. OH -with tha gurlz
christmas movie/sleepover...with tha gurlz...classsic

this little list for one full big day? come on, we can do better than that.

happy notlazy sunday!
Off to squeeze some life outta it!

my phone woke up fully charged this morning and it's so happy to be mine!


eat, pray, love, repeat

"I’m here. I love you. I don’t care if you need to stay up crying all night long, I will stay with you. There’s nothing you can ever do to lose my love. I will protect you until you die, and after your death I will still protect you. I am stronger than depression and I am braver than loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me."
Elizabeth Gilbert


I feel like we just hung out because i just read every blog post i missed since, like, thanksgiving break. I'M NEVER LEAVING YOU FOR THAT LONG AGAIN! until next finals. Once finals started becoming the only man (or 5 men) in my life, i made a deal with myself that i wouldn't blog/read blogs until they were all over.

blogs take up way too much of my time. Suck me in. life-suckers, those hyperlinks! anyway, I did it! and it's so rewarding to return! yayay. maybe it helped that i spilled light purple Gatorade (riptide rush G2 series) all over my laptop right around uh yep right about just when exams started. (Luuvv ma life, mm i rully do..) well that way blogger wasn't up there on the favorites' links on the loaner and i couldn't just click it and cheat. cheating's for sleazy men.

and as for passing exams? well, my dear, that is for none but smart girls like you and me. So glad they're over. *throws head back, lets out loud beastly sigh* but now i'm fried. drained. exhausted. and smart as fuck. /rebel


presents from boys

cute or stage five clinger?

This little stuffed dog was given to me by laundry boy in attempt to resemble the little white puppy i posted on my facebook wall a few weeks ago. See below. She came sitting in green and red tissue paper nested in a miniature jolly-cartoon-santa-gift bag.  Merry Christmas? It's barely December. We're not dating. You're supposed to be mysterious and hard-to-get. make it fun, gosh darnit. This is sweet, but (beatles, you're up)     you can't buy me love

hello little baby dog

(Happy parenthesis day)

ok soo. everyone (everyone meaning people we actually know, not just feel like we know..aka blair, kayla, etc) is starting to blog. when i see "everyone" start publicizing their own blogs and self-promoting their recent posts (which, by the way, can nor will ever measure up to blair, kayla, etc.) i feel the competitive rush to do so for my own blog. (like, hey, i do this too. matta fact, way longer than you have). ok it's not even supposed to be competitive. Step Two, i get defensive and feel protective of my sweet, secretive blog that has nourished my tender thoughts and feelings for the past six months (or however long- six months just kind of fits), not wanting to exploit this haven to the rest of the blogging world (which lately has seem to become the real world). Step three, i think about Taylor Swift and how successful she got for doing something so courageous. (yes, i'm thinking of one of your posts a few weeks ago). and I agree. That's really brave. Right now, i could never imagine sharing this blog with "everyone" (people I actually know).  Wouldn't that be like publishing it, making it known, making it real, true, permanent...? scary. Or would it be liberating? Feel good to let go of all these tucked away thoughts so i can make room for fresh, happier ones? I don't know if it's "time" (according to that clock of healing), or even how to know when it is. ill have to do some issues targeting and follow up with some crisis management approach to handle these ideas of mine. (pr class vocab, just took a test so i'm kind of on my grind).


So astounded, I have to say something

date: Saturday (yess)
time: afternoon (snowing -!!!)
location: library (again)
reason for astonishment:  looking around, oh. my. gosh. 4 out of five computers i see are on facebook. seriously? i thought people were being productive all this time and really they're all actually just loitering on some social networking site. no let me rephrase. the social network that is and will continue to be the one revolutionary form of procrastination for this generation. I'm scared for us. i think this is bigger than we think.  like i think it has the potential to hinder all progress in our world because instead of thinking and coming up with big ideas we're spending way too much time mesmerized by this virtual community facebook has created for us. this isn't good.
note: I've been doing spanish practice tests though, soo. yay, go me, i'm better than all of you.



I haven't been on here in so long that I had to re-sign-in to my own blog. they didn't believe it was me! almost even forgot my password. i just had some of my friends leftover sushi in the library and it was delish. i haven't had it in a while..forgot how good that #$%* was. wow im forgetting a lot lately.  must be that time of year. i have so much studying to do! and i think that complaining about it on here is going to make it more manageable. i should start. *note: start. no time like da present.
3 things that make me happy today:
texting john mayer
got invited to department head lunch. yeaa, oh yeah, get like me

and. +. also. uno mas. its payday. gimme dat pay stub. mm.

gimme dat beckyy.