
(Happy parenthesis day)

ok soo. everyone (everyone meaning people we actually know, not just feel like we know..aka blair, kayla, etc) is starting to blog. when i see "everyone" start publicizing their own blogs and self-promoting their recent posts (which, by the way, can nor will ever measure up to blair, kayla, etc.) i feel the competitive rush to do so for my own blog. (like, hey, i do this too. matta fact, way longer than you have). ok it's not even supposed to be competitive. Step Two, i get defensive and feel protective of my sweet, secretive blog that has nourished my tender thoughts and feelings for the past six months (or however long- six months just kind of fits), not wanting to exploit this haven to the rest of the blogging world (which lately has seem to become the real world). Step three, i think about Taylor Swift and how successful she got for doing something so courageous. (yes, i'm thinking of one of your posts a few weeks ago). and I agree. That's really brave. Right now, i could never imagine sharing this blog with "everyone" (people I actually know).  Wouldn't that be like publishing it, making it known, making it real, true, permanent...? scary. Or would it be liberating? Feel good to let go of all these tucked away thoughts so i can make room for fresh, happier ones? I don't know if it's "time" (according to that clock of healing), or even how to know when it is. ill have to do some issues targeting and follow up with some crisis management approach to handle these ideas of mine. (pr class vocab, just took a test so i'm kind of on my grind).