
Run baby, run baby, run

day at work consisted of:

1. Overflowing several ranch containers causing the entire dressing bin to be cleaned and re-filled each time.

2. Slipping a little bit every time i walked through the 'wet floor' area in the kitchen.

3. Being so large in that claustrophobic kitchen that i take up the personal space of 1.5 average-sized men and consequently cause other people carrying trays over their head to repeatedly knock me with them on mine.

4. Good full-leg work-out, plenty of stairs, which consequently involves skipping every other one

5. Having sticky hands for a full 4 hours and being aggravated by it. and not being able to do anything about it.

6. Wasting a good hair day based on the amount of sweat i excreted from my forehead. gross.

7. Knowing Table 40 as 'the date table' because every time i go on a date there, i request to sit there. It's right in front of the window, it's ideal for seeing and being seen, so if the guy's boring you can people watch. or if the guy's cool you can people watch. Great spot.

8. Judging people eating at the restaurant, whether this means they're at an awkward early dinner with the in-laws or on an awkward second date, or sitting awkwardly at the bar with an unfamiliar co-worker. Why are people so awkward? I personally thrive on this.

9. Instant crush on mary-kate and ashley boy, named for looking like the conveniently and consistently perfect guy in all the mary-kate and ashley movies.

10. Getting to finally drink something after i clocked out and chugging an entire cup of what i thought was water. SIKE it was really seltzer water. mm great surprise.

Can't wait for Saturday! Lunch and dinner shift. Who's the lucky girl? oooh me! pick me!!

Warm day

So today I wrote a song for you
Cause a day can get so long
And I know its hard to make it through
When you say theres something wrong

So Im trying to put it right
Cause I want to love you with my heart
All this trying has made me tight
And I dont know even where to start

 Maybe thats a start

Cause you know its a simple game
That you play filling up your head with rain
And you know you are hiding from your pain
In the way, in the way you say your name

And I see you
Hiding your face in your hands
Flying so you wont land
You think no one understands
No one understands

So you hunch your shoulders and you shake your head
And your throat is aching but you swear
No one hurts you, nothing could be sad
Anyway youre not here enough to care

And youre so tired you dont sleep at night
As your heart is trying to mend
You keep it quiet but you think you might
Disappear before the end

And its strange that you cannot find
Any strength to even try
To find a voice to speak your mind
When you do, all you wanna do is cry

Well maybe you should cry

And I see you hiding your face in your hands
Talking bout far-away lands
You think no one understands
Listen to my hands

And all of this life
Moves around you
For all that you claim
Youre standing still
You are moving too
You are moving too
You are moving too
I will move you


Adventures in Online Chatting #538

I cant tell you how much better running my company has made my life
It has made me more responsible, more business savvy, more confident, more charismatic etc
no exaggeration
let's just take a second and enjoy how much we would say something exactly like that.


Haircut/Swear-cut %#!@*

Welp. There goes that.

New Favorite Movie

Absolutely buying.

She's as pretty as a picture, every bit as funny as she is smart

3 things to be happy about today:

1. the way your hair smells AMAZING for the rest of the day after getting a haircut. (no matter how many hair products you try from Target, you can never acquire the same heavenly aroma of salon-fresh locks.)

2. Remembering you have a cardigan in your backpack when your freezing walking across campus because the weather decides to have an identity crisis at the middle end of February. (Feb has 28 days, for those of you who don't appreciate the quirkiness of our seasonal calendar.)

3. A lunch created by the gods consisting of a turkey sandwich on wheat with lettuce, cheddar, tomato, and pickles, a few strawberries on the side, a dr. pepper for some kick, and steak fries because i would be eating entirely too healthily without them. DANK

Oh, one for good luck- Teen Lion and T-Shirt Time noticing my hair. [this is especially cute because TL and TST do not notice things like haircuts. they are not gentlemanly enough and are too much of your typical bone-headed "couplah guys" (see below) to care or comment or even admit to noticing something like this. But they did, and it was cute.]

/cant help but love 'em


Roommate Wars

my roommate cut a large section of my hair off while i was sleeping.
if i said that i told her to, it'd require explanation, which i'm not sure there is any.
So i won't but actually i can't lie i did i told her to so i'd have to get a haircut because i desperately need one.
Leaving me with no choice but to get a haircut tomorrow.

*Shrugging* ain't no big thang


i'm doin cartwheels till i reach the beach

i miss summer like a friend you haven't see since she moved to TX.
so throw a pillow on the futon (or your twin-sized bed), i'm comin' down right when the sun wants to play!

You're wrong, you're wrong, I'm not overreacting. Something is off. Why don't we ever believe ourselves?

For a second there i thought you disappeared.
It rains a lot this time of year,
And we both go together if one falls down.
I talk out loud like you're still around. 

Being reminded of your past. It's kind of like looking up the 
lyrics to "You Got Me All Wrong" by Dios Malos. 
Song gets old. 

 Accept it
Don't let it
Turn the screw
Accept it, And let it
Scream back at you 

Having one of those deliciously emotional insomniatic thoughtful 4 a.m. nights where you really actually feel nothing but you secretlykindoflike the way music tries to make you feel something.  That made tons of sense. Must be about to get my period. "Aww, Andy, you made me a period CD!"  

You left, I died,
I went and you cried
You came, I think
But I never really know
I've served my time
I've watched you climb
The wrong incline
But what do I know


don't give it but a frowning hour

i chose to go to the tennis match vs. ohio state on this warm, sunshine-pretty day instead of class and work.

you only live go to college once.

i'm counting on above statement to make playing hooky today okay.



Counting bacteria on countless (no pun intended) slides makes me a little out of it. Hence, I'm sneakin' in a little post at the lab to give my head a break.  Mind you, this computer is 27" and is so HD that it sucks you in. And when the screen looks like a black hole of stars in outer space, you begin to keep an eye out for Mars.  Or, you can change the color of the light gradient so instead of black and blue, it's magenta or cyan.  Groovy. Then you just feel like your on PCP after a while.




When the kids are old enough, we're gonna teach them to fly

"To love words, you must first know what they are. Yes, words are symbols of ideas. But many words have lives of their own.  They have their own historical and etymological associations, their own romantic and environmental dalliance, their own sonic and visual delights." -Reaching Audiences

I have to read this book for my media writing class. I don't really pay attention to it, except for this little section that made me pay attention to it. 

you and me togethher, we can do anything, baaby

Kicked this Monday's ass

This is an image of what the typicality of my life is not. But what i wish it could be. Right now.

Typicality (n.)- class(es), work, errands, emails, opting out of gym date (and by date i mean with Passion Pit and my yoga mat..silent yoga- nah), studiousness, Z-spotting/-encountering..

Also, I had a talk. 
Who: F, M
Setting: Room, little while ago, purposelessly around our fan.
It consisted of raw honesty, complex extrapolation of people,
and lots of stomach-burning, cheek-straining, eye-crinkling laughing.

Lessons learned
it's okay to...
-be patient
-be unsure
-be bossy

feeling full, but not from eating late night Chinese, more from the satisfaction and simple complication of life.


i like the color of your hair. i think we'd make a handsome pair

i am so creepy for imagining this as me and Z. 
Z and me.
He would disapprove of the colorful disaster of this room that i adore. 
but he would adore it, too. 
Then I would throw on his pink and blue Brooks Brothers button-down (since, as you can see, both of the figures here are shirt-less) as id get down to toast us some bagels. 
then we'd eat them in this loft bed and i'd tell him how much i like him.  

alright, alright

Didn't mention the hour-long lunch with Z.
(and two friends. he invited me to sit with them because  I was going to eat by myself he wanted to.)

He told me i was contagious. What. He laughs. and explains. Said when he sees me he instantly is in a good mood.

*internal squealing*
_plenty of confetti there

later he said - and i'm not changing this one bit- that I'm the kind of person that would go strawberry picking and afterward sit on the back porch and dip them in sugar and reminisce on good times.

(i mean WHAT this is kind of a good kind of person to be i think, right?)
note: context of this part of the conversation: nothing to do with anything about strawberries or reminiscing.

HAHA. oh my gosh i'm literally giggling. lalalal

i told him last time we went strawberry picking we pretty much ate them all before we even got back.

gosh he's great.

1, because he's adorable
2, because he spent an hour eating lunch with me
3, because he makes me smile when i type about him later on my blog.


...what. when has that ever stopped us?


I'm calling this one my own NG

he's fun.
i like fun.
that's all i'm saying.
before i jinx another one.
i can't believe i just used that face.
he's easy.
i don't like easy.
yea, i used it again.
it's too appropriate not to.

why is swingboy so hard to get?
this has never happened to me before.
im on new grounds.
it's thrilling.
not in a good way.
i miss my old, follow-the-steps, guaranteed-to-fall-for-you in two weeks plan

oh dear god what am i doing.

single-self why'd you leave me!
you love to hate boys
and hate to love their impulsive-let's-hook-up boyish nature

i made a list of all the crushes i have today.

-__-     -__-     -__-     -__-     -__-     -__-     -__-     -__-

ok bed-boxers-(m&ms)-book time
m&ms doesn't really go with the b theme we have going there.
they're just too addictingly delicious to leave out.