

Hey! That right there was just my mini phlog of some pictures I've recently taken. As you can probably tell in my posts, I've slowly but consistently become photo addicted, specifically to photographs others have taken.  I'm so inspired by some photos I see, that with every photo comes to mind captions, and with captions come strings of thought, accompanied by descriptions and pieces of sentences that turn into anecdotes, memories, wishes, dreams, random ramblings, worries, anything, everything, all the things stirring inside me become a mosaic of words to the story the photo tells me.

The photo is no longer just the picture, but the words and the picture together, which become an image, a creation of the mind, something that cannot be said or shown with just the picture or just the words, only ever together in order to mean I meant.

Then, this piece of story is perfect.

It can never be changed or edited, but you can read it over and over. On good days and bad days, on good days you hate you're having and on bad days you like you're having, every time you experience this
word-picture duo, you get a new feeling, a different feeling, a new feeling to an old feeling, an old feeling to a new feeling.

Your feeling changes, the photo stays the same. Your mind wanders, the words stay arranged just so.

I love this about it. I don't feel like I've ever looked at photos this way before. I see a photo and I see the moment captured.  I choose words to go with it. I put the words in the order I feel like they should be to mean what it means.

The pictures I've found by anonymous artists online have fueled this passion thing in me. They rock my world, I love everything about them and love that I don't know anything about them. Are they edited? Altered? What camera took them? Where do they come from? And why?

I want to start having my own photos to do my own. So, little Nikon coolpix, here we are. Let's take some pictures.