

Since classes started in Chapel Hill, all the days blend together.  Long days up in the lab that turn into the kind of Franklin nights only Carolina students understand. Bungalow mornings with a girl who's become more a sister than a best friend, hungover lunches with the sister who's more than a best friend, and all the boys we share our lives with in between. 

The past couple weeks I've felt so removed from campus knowing I'm leaving here for the semester, but I've also never felt so connected.  3 years, and it's like it's been 21.  Chapel Hill has a way of sweeping you off your feet freshman year and holding you tight every year after.  And while I'm karate chopping air in excitement every time I look at my passport, I already miss it here so much. Such a typical pre-departure post. 

Also, if these last weeks in Chapel Hill have been perfect, there was nothing like yesterday. 

I've got an iPhone background and little red pin to prove it.

I actually don't have the pin. For reasons too perfect to write on this blog.