

ha #stalkergirlproblems

Besides 1. recitation 2. class 3. Three hour class (which i kind of like)
/OMG 3 classes in one day.. busiest day of the week
and 4. lab work in between
and 5. do online econ assignment before #3
and 6. decorate cooler before Friday sneaks up
and 7. find time to eat (ok.. not going to be a problem)
and 8. now i'm really just trying to make up stuff to say i have to do to

i need to find something to wear this weekend

calling all pi phi's..

actually I'd rather go buy a new dress i actually have feelings for. because, well, i tend to enjoy spoiling myself more than personally responsible. what.


PS- it's finally awkward and awesome thursday! eek been waiting all week!


Lilly me

What i asked for for my birthday? 
1 Bonnaroo ticket
What my mom got me for my birthday?
This Lilly dress. 
It is pretty cute.
I do go to Carolina. 
Guess I better start dressing the part. 


Confession *cringing inside, i'm sorry, i'm sorry!*

Last night i had the worst womanly cramps known to man woman. (ha). Now, you would say, "shan, just heat up the squishy zebra heating pillow in the microwave, and in seconds you'll be in crampless heaven." WELL, our microwave is BROKEN and i'm blaming reckless male neighbors. Note: this also prohibits me from making soothing tea or hot oatmeal. You know, anything, pretty much, that might have some slight healing power.  You also might say, "shan, just take a couple four advil and you'll feel better." To which I'd say- i did. And i don't. SO, in my helpless oblivion of pain i submitted to my weakness and bought 2 packs of m&ms and crawled into bed with my nordstrom catalog and magical chocolate candies. IM SORRY, I KNOW THIS BREAKS LENT RULES BUT..

IT'S ALMOST MY BIRTHDAY. sooo.. Sorry, it won't happen again.


if, it's LOVEE (belted in train voice with plenty of emotion)

i love dogs and babies.

I stopped to pet several (2, of each) babies/dogs today. they were soft and precious and clean-smelling (the baby, only) and made me want to forget the rest of my classes/work for the day and sit down and hold them aw and play with them.

file under: little day perks, memorable, blog-worthy thing(s) that happen to me


This is how God and I hang out on Sundays

Ways I spend my free time #153

i just smeared avocado all over my face and sat here, forgetting that i did that, for about an hour and a half while it caked on. why do people do that? what is it supposed to do? i just washed it off and while looking at my face in the mirror said, "Wow! I look great! Magic!" like as if it totally worked. my cheeks are a softer, but they're usually always pretty soft, so i'm concerned the avocado did not do it's thing. Maybe it's mental. People just enjoy the idea of it? Like, ooh i could go for some avocados on my face right now.

No idea.

Note: before attempting to indulge in your own at-home avocado mask, be sure no cute neighbors are planning on stopping by for a little visit. You will not be greeted with acceptance, but instead with faces of horror and repulsion. uh, yeah not winning.



I accept

Well, it's 2:30 a.m. and i've just spent the last twelve hours of my life running around a restaurant getting high fives for my Carolina blue nails, and playing bouncer, getting hit on by men significantly older than 40.  (forty-ish is the cut-off for when i say, "you're good" and not card you). And now i'm hitting on one significantly younger than 40. he's actually 21 to be exact. and he's letting me use his mac (!!!) because he wants me to blog a little. we'll call him tech crunch. TC, if you will. He's just as nerdy as me.  He gave me let me wear his Google sweatshirt, mostly because i begged him for it. And it looks hella good on me.  if you want to know what we do when we hang out (like right now) we discuss venture capital and marvel at how social media is changing the world. See: Egypt, Revolution). Now we're going to go pound the rest of this 12-pack we have. It's 2:30 a.m.
I know.

Happy Spring Break!!


The Island Hopper

Does that sound like the name of a fruity mixed drink with an umbrella and lots of rum?

Because it is.

and i, being the classy, independent girl that i am, refused every male that offered to buy me a drink last night and instead spent my own (what's eight times six?) $48 on those DAMN LITTLE ISLAND HOPPERS. WTF I DON'T EVEN HAVE $48. DO I? IF I DID I SURE AS HELL WOULDN'T HAVE SPENT IT ALL ON ISLAND HOPPERS WOULD HAVE SPENT IT ALL ON ISLAND HOPPERS.

file under: mistakes you're glad you made, save up to buy more of these on April 1st,  best concoction i've ever tasted in my entire life.


April goal #22

Get yellow pants.


i tried to wait a day to write this, so my exploding excitement wouldn't interfere with getting the actual story across. but the giddiness hasn't subsided, and i just absolutely cannot wait to share. so i'll do my best to keep this non-descriptive and short, as not to aggravate all of my readers.

Setting: Z's room
Who: morg, Z's roommate (Michael Cera), Michael Cera's twin sister. oh and Z
WHAT HAPPENED ALREADY: Z called me out. Z sang a song to me while playing it on the piano. Z and I laughed  I giggled throughout. Z completed the song and proceeded to give me a great big waist hug. Do you know what a waist hug is?
they come up under you and pick you up by your waist while you wrap your arms around their neck. 
ok- this picture is a little way more dramatic than it actually was. 
and our faces did not match up like above faces do. Although i may or may not have tried.  
also my legs did not bounce up cutely like above legs do. (i did try)
and i'm almost positive he did not bend this far back, gallantly holding my weight on his chest because i'm almost positive we would have toppled over.

 but you get the idea.