
Sometimes i think it would be so nice to swim around the bottom of the ocean with other dolphins

things i like




Walking around my room in my underwear pretending like I'm in a Victoria's Secret commercial.

Clean sheets and smooth legs

Swinging in the backyard
Pull up in your fast car
Whistling my name

Open up a beer
And you take it over here
And play a video game

I'm in his favorite sun dress
Watching me get undressed
Take that body downtown

I say you the bestest
Lean in for a big kiss
Put his favorite perfume on

Go play a video game

It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tell me all the things you want to do
I heard that you like the bad girls
Honey, is that true?
It's better than I ever even knew
They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
Baby now you do

Singing in the old bars
Swinging with the old stars
Living for the fame

Kissing in the blue dark
Playing pool and wild darts
Video games

He holds me in his big arms
Drunk and I am seeing stars
This is all I think of

Watching all our friends fall
In and out of Old Paul's
This is my idea of fun
Playing video games

It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tell me all the things you want to do
I heard that you like the bad girls
Honey, is that true?
It's better than I ever even knew
They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
Baby now you do

It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
I tell you all the time

Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tell me all the things you want to do

I heard that you like the bad girls
Honey, is that true?

It's better than I ever even knew

They say that the world was built for two

Only worth living if somebody is loving you

Baby now you do 

I heard that you like the bad girls, honey. Is that true?

disclaimer: this is about to be non-interesting, non-thoughtful, and non-beneficial to you in any way. Just spilling head talk. thanks bye~

today was a good solid day. It had many little quirks, some good, some bad, some just quirky, but all in all the kind of day that leaves you satisfied.  It started out with some reminders from last night, including mysterious black smudge marks on my wall, all the couch coushins on the floor, and also the same shirt i wore out lasted me all day. this made my 3 hour 8 am art class long but it was fine.  Lunch was also good, we had turkey and vegetarian ruebens, which, for the record, are d.a.n.k. Also, there were cheetos, which are my absolute delight. i got a lot done at the lab then went to class at 2, media law, which i have an adorable awesome professor, he's seriously so awesome. also in this class i have like, no joke, 15 friends, so it's more of a social hour than anything. i then proceeded to wobble home in pain because i decided id like to trek around campus in a new pair of jack rogers all day. i actually didnt even make it home, i fled to the annex where i leaped into mek's bed and holed up for a nap.  talk about the kind of relaxing where you dont even feel your arms or legs anymore youre so relaxed.  Then i woke up to their roommate jorden typing away on her laptop and realized if i wanted to make it to the bank before 5, i should get going. So i tip-toe-hopped home barefoot -more pain- to change my shoes and eat more first. also have a quick convo with one of the roommates, xtina.  then i ran, well i walked, i couldnt run because the soles of my feet were raw by this point- did i mention it hurt?- and made it to the bank at 5:04. Closed. Cool. *see 'why this is a problem' below. So i walked, defeated and pathetically, to my last class 32 minutes early.  And got free krispy kreme coffee on the way because i can get free krispy kreme coffee once every day #thanksramsclub. On the way i see maj, this cute guy i used to really like and maybe still do. (youll never know.) his names not actually maj, but anonymity is key on the world wide web these days. I pride myself on this interaction for the day because it was the kind where you were totally cool and he was totally awkward and you dont care that he was awkward but feel bad for him and are glad it wasnt you.  I walked into class and met my very lovely and handsome professor who was very friendly as we made small talk and endured the uncomfortable 26 minutes we had alone in the same room together until more students started trickling in.  He has two little kids and lives in wake forest, and he's the kind of guy you can tell within the first 5 minutes of meeting him is a great husband.  Here's where I say this. I love this class. It's advertising copy and i have never been more excited to take a class ever in my  life.  If i could create a perfect class with perfect assignments and perfect everything, it would be this class. So good thing its 3 hours every monday night, because that's a gossip girl ep. and a free dinner at the house i'm missing for it.  After class i went to the last hour and a half of rush practice where we had a cookie shine (nice surprise)- A cookie shine is where you lay a big sheet on the ground that says PI BETA PHI and has little designs like arrows all over it and you put different kinds of cookies all over the sheet and everyone goes out and picks up a cookie and eats it. I ate enough cookies to feed a small kindergarten class.  I also worked on our rush banner I'm painting, which is turning out really cute, and I know it is because my sistas tell me so. 10 days till we get the new biddies!

I'm now drinking 'bedtime story' tea in a hipster mug from anthropologie and burning a candle called "beach daisy." I'm also thinking about how i only have one class at 3:30 tomorrow and how it feels so good to put my feet up in bed and how my hair is clean and wet.  I will now go listen to Lana del Rey and read the Help and text my boy nate happy birthday. used his real name whoops whatcha gon do bout it.

I'm going to name my first daughter Lana del Rey. She's going to be the smartest girl in the world.


do you think we'll be in love forever?

hiiiee lana del rey ive got a big fat girl crush on you and u are so cool and talented! Karaoke 2nite gonna sing dis one or maybe dis one. awwh yeyeea i dont hate benny or his jetzz lez sing the towns little heart out be cuz we are WeirdD and we're wonderfUlllllll


NEw lOve


in the form of this website.
                      Click. Look. Fall.
                                   in love, that is.
                                  with Adam Block. 


Your turn

my little brendy is going to college.

he's going to study and meet people and stay up all night and drink with new friends and go to class and take notes and do laundry.

I hope he has the best time ever.

Now here's a sentimental song to highlight the cheesiness this post deserves.


We are all just lovers

i love living.
i love being here.
i love everyone i know.
i love everything i do.
and everything that happens to me .
i love not realizing how much i love everything
because when i do,
it makes me love it that much more.

i also love this song. for reasons too special to share on this blog.

God is so damn creative. And this journey he's taking me on. It's incredible.  I try to thank Him every night.  It never seems enough. But i know He knows i'm happy. I'm not sure what i did.  I'm not even sure anyone else would love my life as much as i do. But ill never be able to thank him enough for picking me to give it to.


couldnt decide wut to listen to so im listening to luda whats ur fantasy uh yea give it to me now

i am so creepy because i love looking at wedding pictures and i'm not even getting married nor even have bf of 3 years nor have a boyfriend of any length of time! lalal some people are so DAMN CUTE.

aight nuff a dat.

i bought the help today so im going to go read that. and i also bought this book called i totally meant to do that by jane borden and she is so great i want to be friends with her hahah. she went to chap, so she'd be totally down to get a blue cup wit me if i friended her on facebook and asked. ?. soo today i did a lot of embarrassing things that i probably only did because im single. which include:

1. taking a walk of shame back from an equally single girlfriend's house after a night out stealing glass pints from topo and escaping ex boyfriends to flirt with he's not bartenders who know we're underage.
2. Doing an unbelievably cheesy nineties aerobics video in my living room and sweating a lot, and also verbally responding to Kathy Smith's cheesy encouragement. Can't figure out how her hair stays just so as we're working out. like, really kath??
3. Going to barnes and noble and spending 3 hours reading the first pages of every book that had a cute creative cover. That took a long time. like 3 hours. 
4. Going to cosmic cantina by myself and reading my new books while i eat. which meant i read the same page like 6 times because my hands were too greasy to turn the page as fast as i finished reading a page. and also i think i spent more time trying to park on franklin than actually eating. 
5. then going to sugarland and buying a chocolate coconut cupcake that cost the same as my dinner. it was so good, and i tried to eat it really slow. So like, it took 4 minutes instead of 2. i read some more of my book there, which is about when i fell in love with jane borden.
6. then that brings me to around now. And one of my roommates came home, so i snapped out of my embarrassing day and acted like a normal person who spends their time on facebook while no one's home. What? i've been here all day, i swear. 

Also, a guy texted earlier, whose text went along the lines of "it's kevin, please say you remember me haha" and after a few texts i actually said: "what's your last name i'm going to stalk you on facebook."
Alright shan, stick with me now, we don't say that to people, ever really, especially to guys you dont know. 
But he said lohan or something and Lol. So i stalked. then stopped texting. 
haha just kididng he was all right. i met him at brass monkey in the city (nyc, that is) and he's coming into town tomorrow so he wants me to show him around. NOW who's the trendy local?? ha i don't know what trendy has to do with that i just felt like deciding i was trendy. I am sometimes actually, my outfit was cute yesterday. Shoulda took a pic but i didnt, sucks for you! 

360 *insert degrees symbol here*

Quite a turnaround here. I am not, in fact, disappointed in all boys anymore.  Or maybe I'm just a sucker for the cute ones.  I am delighted to announce (i feel like i'm sending out baby shower invitations) that some boys, who are not just filling a hole, redeem themselves adorably the next day and with their apology include a humble request - that is if "you don't think he's a total douchebag" - to give them a second chance.  What follows you ask? Big smiles at no particular one thing, weird looks from your boss across the lab, and little skip jumps wherever you walk. You know the ones. Who's the biggest forgiveandforgetter you'll ever meet? This girl. Does he/will he ever figure this out? No. Always appear unavailable girls. Always.

Then hesitantly (but secretly excitedly) accept invitation to go with him to bring his dog to local dog park in the humid overcast evening (I promise you'll look great) and proceed to grill cheeseburgers and drink blueberry wheats as you periodically shake hands with muddy dogs and let them jump on your legs and lick your face. Sexy.

If you haven't caught on, I'm the 'you' in this run-down. I'm going to stop going through every interaction with this guy because it's probably really boring for people who aren't me and the way i'm typing is starting to irritate me. 

At any rate, this guy's for real and I guess I'm kind of impressed.  Not that I'm going falling for boys who pull the ole' dog park trick or anything. But he's fun. And I'm having fun. And I think he thinks I'm a cool girl. 


I only like you when I'm high

Wish i had a cool song to share.  I'm disappointed with boys.  They are not just flirting with you. They want to take you home invite themselves over and *3&/ you. You didn't know that? Ohh, you thought they liked you, thought they were thinking you might be a cool girl. Common misconception. They are actually, believe it or not, not looking for cool girls.  Maybe cool in that you won't bother them the next day. To them, you're last Friday night, or Thursday, depending on which night you went out.  See, it's not always so blatantly clear.  Which makes it so frustrating. I actually do have a song to share. One sec.

Back. So- after everyone has the two of you have spoken aloud your actual intentions, they will probably show you how surprised and apologetic they are are acting. Often, usually, in fact, they will turn the misunderstanding of intentions around so that they make you feel as if you appeared as though your intentions were to *3&/.  That they, honestly, were not trying to *3&/ and that -ohh, haha they thought you said you wanted to!.  In this case, they are successful in making you feel like 1. an accidental slut, 2. a terrible person for being a total tease, 3. lame, because you just threw a bunch of sand at the flame you guys had going.

It's not that you are always supposed to be able to bring a guy home and not expect anything.  Granted, in these situations it is almost always past 2 o'clock in the morning, and no one at this point actually voluntarily wants to go hang out and talk until work in a few hours.  It is, that, when neither of you are even a little bit wasted, and that when you work together, and that when you've been talking for the last 48 hours, you are allowed to be supposed to be able to bring a guy home let a guy come over to, as he puts it, "hang out so he can sober up before he drives home" and not expect anything.  Fair? Fair. Very, I think.

So girls, no matter how non-sexual your relationship with a guy was before you go out with him one night, when he wants to come "hang out so he can sober up before he drives home," he's also wanting to hang out.  Leaving you feeling dejected and plain the next day. Because no, it will not be exciting to see him at work the next day. And those cute texts from before, those were from before. Before he found out you were not DTF.  I'm sorry. I'm not even saying sorry to you, I'm mostly saying it for myself.  But boys are not trying to hang out they way you like hanging out. For some astronomical statistical reason I have not figured out. Nor come to terms with. Which is why I'm disappointed in boys. And their lack of thinking I just might be a cool girl. Because I am. I decided. Whether they will ever think so again or not.


tru life: i am mildly obsessed with a blog called "Olsens Annonymous"

Not responsible for any subsequent obsessions

im being lazy in my comfy bed. i'm tired. i brushed my teeth. noticed an interesting birthmark on my stomach. and that i have a lot of arm hair.


Somethin, somethin about this place

After two weeks of go-go-go, i'm finally so-so happy to be hommmeee!!! I get one night cuddled up in my mamas bed before it's back to the hill.  She and the little one are leaving early in the morning for Busch Gardens and I'll be up, hopefully, hours after that as I am completely exhausted from my city girl lifestyle that has been the past week. And as much as I loved it- i really, really loved it - I could not be more excited to get back to my little college town. Being in a city that literally never sleeps, meeting 28-year-old-somebodies, and being around people who are already all grown up, have lives and goals and plans, really made me miss UNC.  At one swanky hotel that, by some lucky clover, I got let into, I found myself staring at women's shoes that cost more than my books, men's suits that smelled like men with five-o-clock shadow Armani-model faces and table service that made me feel awkward and pretentious. I found myself missing Franklin Street bars crowded with people I knew, quarter beers, and lanky frat boys who only cared about their gpa and whether or not they got into the B school. Anyway, I have some unfinished life to do here in NC, and I'm saving the fast-paced nightlife of NYC for after I graduate. Cheers to some thirsty thursday shenanigans back at He's Not tomorrow. Feels good to be home.