
couldnt decide wut to listen to so im listening to luda whats ur fantasy uh yea give it to me now

i am so creepy because i love looking at wedding pictures and i'm not even getting married nor even have bf of 3 years nor have a boyfriend of any length of time! lalal some people are so DAMN CUTE.

aight nuff a dat.

i bought the help today so im going to go read that. and i also bought this book called i totally meant to do that by jane borden and she is so great i want to be friends with her hahah. she went to chap, so she'd be totally down to get a blue cup wit me if i friended her on facebook and asked. ?. soo today i did a lot of embarrassing things that i probably only did because im single. which include:

1. taking a walk of shame back from an equally single girlfriend's house after a night out stealing glass pints from topo and escaping ex boyfriends to flirt with he's not bartenders who know we're underage.
2. Doing an unbelievably cheesy nineties aerobics video in my living room and sweating a lot, and also verbally responding to Kathy Smith's cheesy encouragement. Can't figure out how her hair stays just so as we're working out. like, really kath??
3. Going to barnes and noble and spending 3 hours reading the first pages of every book that had a cute creative cover. That took a long time. like 3 hours. 
4. Going to cosmic cantina by myself and reading my new books while i eat. which meant i read the same page like 6 times because my hands were too greasy to turn the page as fast as i finished reading a page. and also i think i spent more time trying to park on franklin than actually eating. 
5. then going to sugarland and buying a chocolate coconut cupcake that cost the same as my dinner. it was so good, and i tried to eat it really slow. So like, it took 4 minutes instead of 2. i read some more of my book there, which is about when i fell in love with jane borden.
6. then that brings me to around now. And one of my roommates came home, so i snapped out of my embarrassing day and acted like a normal person who spends their time on facebook while no one's home. What? i've been here all day, i swear. 

Also, a guy texted earlier, whose text went along the lines of "it's kevin, please say you remember me haha" and after a few texts i actually said: "what's your last name i'm going to stalk you on facebook."
Alright shan, stick with me now, we don't say that to people, ever really, especially to guys you dont know. 
But he said lohan or something and Lol. So i stalked. then stopped texting. 
haha just kididng he was all right. i met him at brass monkey in the city (nyc, that is) and he's coming into town tomorrow so he wants me to show him around. NOW who's the trendy local?? ha i don't know what trendy has to do with that i just felt like deciding i was trendy. I am sometimes actually, my outfit was cute yesterday. Shoulda took a pic but i didnt, sucks for you!