
I heard that you like the bad girls, honey. Is that true?

disclaimer: this is about to be non-interesting, non-thoughtful, and non-beneficial to you in any way. Just spilling head talk. thanks bye~

today was a good solid day. It had many little quirks, some good, some bad, some just quirky, but all in all the kind of day that leaves you satisfied.  It started out with some reminders from last night, including mysterious black smudge marks on my wall, all the couch coushins on the floor, and also the same shirt i wore out lasted me all day. this made my 3 hour 8 am art class long but it was fine.  Lunch was also good, we had turkey and vegetarian ruebens, which, for the record, are d.a.n.k. Also, there were cheetos, which are my absolute delight. i got a lot done at the lab then went to class at 2, media law, which i have an adorable awesome professor, he's seriously so awesome. also in this class i have like, no joke, 15 friends, so it's more of a social hour than anything. i then proceeded to wobble home in pain because i decided id like to trek around campus in a new pair of jack rogers all day. i actually didnt even make it home, i fled to the annex where i leaped into mek's bed and holed up for a nap.  talk about the kind of relaxing where you dont even feel your arms or legs anymore youre so relaxed.  Then i woke up to their roommate jorden typing away on her laptop and realized if i wanted to make it to the bank before 5, i should get going. So i tip-toe-hopped home barefoot -more pain- to change my shoes and eat more first. also have a quick convo with one of the roommates, xtina.  then i ran, well i walked, i couldnt run because the soles of my feet were raw by this point- did i mention it hurt?- and made it to the bank at 5:04. Closed. Cool. *see 'why this is a problem' below. So i walked, defeated and pathetically, to my last class 32 minutes early.  And got free krispy kreme coffee on the way because i can get free krispy kreme coffee once every day #thanksramsclub. On the way i see maj, this cute guy i used to really like and maybe still do. (youll never know.) his names not actually maj, but anonymity is key on the world wide web these days. I pride myself on this interaction for the day because it was the kind where you were totally cool and he was totally awkward and you dont care that he was awkward but feel bad for him and are glad it wasnt you.  I walked into class and met my very lovely and handsome professor who was very friendly as we made small talk and endured the uncomfortable 26 minutes we had alone in the same room together until more students started trickling in.  He has two little kids and lives in wake forest, and he's the kind of guy you can tell within the first 5 minutes of meeting him is a great husband.  Here's where I say this. I love this class. It's advertising copy and i have never been more excited to take a class ever in my  life.  If i could create a perfect class with perfect assignments and perfect everything, it would be this class. So good thing its 3 hours every monday night, because that's a gossip girl ep. and a free dinner at the house i'm missing for it.  After class i went to the last hour and a half of rush practice where we had a cookie shine (nice surprise)- A cookie shine is where you lay a big sheet on the ground that says PI BETA PHI and has little designs like arrows all over it and you put different kinds of cookies all over the sheet and everyone goes out and picks up a cookie and eats it. I ate enough cookies to feed a small kindergarten class.  I also worked on our rush banner I'm painting, which is turning out really cute, and I know it is because my sistas tell me so. 10 days till we get the new biddies!

I'm now drinking 'bedtime story' tea in a hipster mug from anthropologie and burning a candle called "beach daisy." I'm also thinking about how i only have one class at 3:30 tomorrow and how it feels so good to put my feet up in bed and how my hair is clean and wet.  I will now go listen to Lana del Rey and read the Help and text my boy nate happy birthday. used his real name whoops whatcha gon do bout it.

I'm going to name my first daughter Lana del Rey. She's going to be the smartest girl in the world.