
360 *insert degrees symbol here*

Quite a turnaround here. I am not, in fact, disappointed in all boys anymore.  Or maybe I'm just a sucker for the cute ones.  I am delighted to announce (i feel like i'm sending out baby shower invitations) that some boys, who are not just filling a hole, redeem themselves adorably the next day and with their apology include a humble request - that is if "you don't think he's a total douchebag" - to give them a second chance.  What follows you ask? Big smiles at no particular one thing, weird looks from your boss across the lab, and little skip jumps wherever you walk. You know the ones. Who's the biggest forgiveandforgetter you'll ever meet? This girl. Does he/will he ever figure this out? No. Always appear unavailable girls. Always.

Then hesitantly (but secretly excitedly) accept invitation to go with him to bring his dog to local dog park in the humid overcast evening (I promise you'll look great) and proceed to grill cheeseburgers and drink blueberry wheats as you periodically shake hands with muddy dogs and let them jump on your legs and lick your face. Sexy.

If you haven't caught on, I'm the 'you' in this run-down. I'm going to stop going through every interaction with this guy because it's probably really boring for people who aren't me and the way i'm typing is starting to irritate me. 

At any rate, this guy's for real and I guess I'm kind of impressed.  Not that I'm going falling for boys who pull the ole' dog park trick or anything. But he's fun. And I'm having fun. And I think he thinks I'm a cool girl.