
when advil isn't working

Yesterday was fun. Productive, calm, enjoyable, happy. Weather was beautiful for my run. Went for a whole hour running slowly and it felt so good. But I've never been as tired and discouraged as I am today. My throat is hot and my mouth tastes bad. My whole body aches and my head is pounding. I definitely have a fever. I'm tired of girls who think the world is out to get them. I'm tired of people who are too insecure for confrontations. And of people who don't know how to express themselves without being a royal bitch. I'm tired of girls that think they're better than other girls.  I'm tired of sticking up for the girls who don't know how to stick up for themselves.  I'm tired of being friends with people no one else likes. I'm tired of girls talking behind my back. I'm tired of knowing it and not saying anything about it. I'm tired of wondering what is so wrong with me that girls don't like me. I'm tired of getting so sensitive about it.  And tired of not doing anything about it. I miss my scattered, colorful room. I can't stand bare desk tops and a floor without all my shoes laid out all over it.  I miss mashing all my clothes together into my drawers. I miss my mom doing my laundry for me. I miss being able to put things on my wall without getting made fun of. I sound like a third grader. But it's probably because I feel like one.