
Friday, you really are the happiest day of the week

I wrote this in Panera earlier and had a [welcome] distraction, so I never posted it. So.. posting it now.

Sorry for the post delete last night. I hate doing that. But I also hate seeing the next morning how many thousands  couple of you read all my heart spillage last night.  I'm in Panera getting breakfast  coffee before this map quiz. (So nervous I can barely eat!) Jk, I had a free coffee from those Panera rewards so had to maximize the resources.  On my second cup.  Really think I might be drunk.  Coffee buzzes are so much different than tea caffeine -not used to it. Anyway, this is like the weirdest Panera experience in all my life. Read:

1. I'm listening to a guy at the register tell the register lady how he's going to propose tonight.  She's asking where they met. He says at a gym in Canada; they were both boxing. He said she had a cute sweaty face so he went up to talk to her. I'm not making this up. He's kind of heavy-set. But man, what a dreamboat.

2. The register lady and I keep making eye contact. It's getting really uncomfortable because it's getting very apparent that I'm listening to every conversation she's having with her customers.

3. This doesn't have to do with Panera, but I'm typing in the African capitals to the countries in a Word document to study, and it keeps recognizing that I'm spelling them wrong and correcting the spelling for me. I'm not talking about like Kenya or Bamako. I'm talking about like Ouagadougou and Yamoussoukro. Touche, Word, touche.

4. A Panera worker ran out from behind the counter sobbing hysterically into to her boyfriend/friend/husband's arms. But it's a few minutes later now and I just casually glanced back and she doesn't look like she was crying at all. Maybe she was laughing really hard or something. Mysterious..

5. A group of elderly ladies and gentlemen are sitting near me and it's appearing as though they are a breakfast club that meets here every week/day? I like them a lot, right now they're talking about a crossword puzzle word they can't figure out. I'm secretly playing along, but they must be playing a really advanced puzzle because I don't know any of the answers. Also, one of the men is wearing a golf shirt embroidered with his fraternity letters and it's the letters of the fraternity of one of my crushes. 

6. Another old man, about 75, sitting by himself over to my right is talking on his phone that's something like a Jitterbug and he just said, "Yea, her ex husband is a real douchebag.." 
.....I've got nothing to say. 

OK, here goes the final study practice:
Algeria- Algiers (so easy)
Tunisia- Tunis (also easy
Morocco- Rabbat
Mauritania- Nouakchott
Mali- Bamako
Nigeria- Abuji
Niger- Niamey
Chad- Ndjamena
Senegal- Dakar
Gambia- Banjul
Guinea Bissau- Bissau (easy)
Guinea- Conakry
Liberia- Monrovia
Sierra Leone- Freetown (favorite one)
Ghana- Accra
Togo- Lome
Benin- Porta Nova
Burkina Faso- Ouagadougou
Equatorial Guinea- Malabo
Congo Republic- Brazzaville
CAR- Bangui
DRCongo- Kinshasa
Ethiopia- Addis Ababa
Sudan- Khartoum

Ok so this is where I stopped because right then, one of my crushes walked in. All I could think about was how I had coffee breath and that I was wearing my brother's cologne because I didn't feel like showering after my lessons this morning.  I hope he smelled the man cologne over the coffee breath.  We sat and talked and afterwards we both admitted we felt kind of high off all the caffeine.  Questionable state in which to go into my map quiz.

I am seriously so buzzed, it's like we got beers after work.
But it wasn't even 10 a.m. and all we had was coffee.
