
Baby you're a song, you make me wanna roll my windows down

One of my professors is African and the other is Australian. Such a world-class education.

My mom recently said she liked Imagine Dragons. She didn't actually say that specifically, but everytime an Imagine Dragons song comes on my speakers, she yells from the other room, "Who's this singing!" So that's why I think that. 

My African professor says "great" the way one of my brothers always says it... like "gret" ha I can't explain it but makes me miss him sooo bad. He gets back Wednesday and I can't waaaait. 

My chipped polish was annoying me in my first class so in the fifteen minutes before the next one I bought this. Splash of grenadine. Personally I like the color better in the bottle than on my nails. But it's that good brand everyone likes, so.. not mad. 

Using my family's old 35 mm for class. And I bought this magazine on impulse at the register- $5 for all but 3 measly (yet glowing) pages of Blake. The register lady looked at my lithium batteries and the camera hung around my neck like I was from 1991 or something.  But shouldn't you be allowed to look like that if you are actually from 1991?

This picture of my mom and her friends came up on my news feed.  No filter. (haha). But really.

This song to wake you up:

This song for the afternoon: