
Take me to your best friend's house, I loved you then, I love you now

Not that I'm about to say anything novel right here, but I don't know where else I'm supposed to say how much I love friends.  They're seriously the best.  I also love when you're by yourself, doing something mundane, but you're in some other world thinking about your friends and you just bust out laughing about it.  And you're not sure if you're laughing about something they did, or something that happened, or just because they're so damn funny.  But I do know that trimming the shrubbery out front has been highly entertaining as of late thanks to my friends filling my brain up with reasons to laugh out loud to myself in my mom's front lawn.

Other goings on around town that happened while my little blogger waited patiently for me to come back:

-a double date, that actually was more like a date that I got to come on, naturally, because me and C don't do a whole lot without the other, and plus we went and saw the Buena Vista Social Club play at the outdoor amphitheater at the NC Museum of Art, which was awesome in itself, and also plus, I had to do my best friend duties of analyzing and evaluating the boy for best friend approval. He smiled at everything she said, bought both our tickets and had an incredibly sexy mouth. So, C... Approved.

-forgetting my rash guard for swimming lessons so having to teach bikini-clad, exposed cleavage and all, and in return, all areas below my neck bone experiencing lots of grabbing by little sunscreen chub hands.  It was by the grace of King Triton himself that any of the strings holding me in didn't get pulled undone by those fat little finger rolls.

-Little slimy swimmers that I complain about so much but can't ever get enough of because of their raspy little giggles and roly poly baby sisters that keep me weak at the knees for anything under 3 feet.  Also, having zero front teeth makes everything you say adorable. You should try it sometime.

-Taking care of neighbors' puppies, who rival in cuteness to Nala when she gets a lick bath by her mom in Lion King, and whose over-sized paws defy gravity when you walk in the door and say "Have no fear, Neighbor Shan is here!"  Do I actually say that? No. Sometimes.

-The one-week countdown until summer class ends. And the 2 papers due between now and then that haven't happened yet.

-Getting new white ribbed tanks and wearing them as shirts everywhere you go.  Isn't that the best?

I'm off to give the neighbor pups breakfast and do everything in my power not to scoop them into my car and take them to class with me. Will I tweet about it? Probably.

Happy first day of the week! (and of the rest of your life!)