
For when you don't have anything to think about

So start listening and by the fourth song you'll be so zoned out that you're thinking about so many things and don't even realize it.  My philosophy class would call this introspective consciousness. The example our professor gave for it was like a truck driver driving down 95. She is still physically attending to the road, but consciously she is attending to her thoughts. I like how our professor uses "she" when talking about a hypothetical person. #subconsciousfeminist
Anyway I was done with it after the fourth song... but that doesn't make the first 4 any less good.

Here's a little flashback I copied and pasted from my Facebook from Tuesday, February 3, 2009 at 12:09 a.m. Looks like I was a night owl on school nights!  I'm pretty sure Feb 3rd was during swim season, and that I had to be up at 6 a.m. for swim practice.  I was probably tired that Wednesday.

no life!

by Shannon Smith on Tuesday, February 3, 2009 at 12:09am ·
RULE: Once you've been tagged you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you it's because I want to know more about you.

To do this, go to "Notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people(in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.

1. when im on Word, I have to be able to see the whole page that im typing on.
2. I love when chapstick has been sitting in the car for a long time in the sun so its soft when you put it on.
3 .I dream about being able to walk into a dessert bakery and eat everything in the glass case display for free.
4. postsecret is one of the very few good things about technology
5. shania Twain is a goddess
6. I like Sunday football but not for the football
7. microwaved leftover bread rolls annoy me
8. Sometimes I wish gh was small
9. I miss believing in Disney princesses
10. I hate sticky counters
11. And short lunches
12. Josh Hartnett is cute
13. I love peas!!!
14. I never make my bed
15. in hotel hallways the carpets are faded in the middle but really vibrant on the edges and in corners where plants are and the vacuum marks stay.
16. It annoys me when guys have bad posture
17. Breakfast is the best part of the day
18. I still haven’t set my clocks back.
19. Three words: vanilla bean noel.
20. Two more: pop tart
21. you try too hard and its very apparent
22. I could live off of tv show episodes on dvd
23. theres over a hundred reasons why my grandparents are the greatest.
24. camping is the best escape
25. but music usually does the trick

I feel like it's one of those time capsule things you make in elementary school senior year of high school that you bury with a sign that says DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2012. And at the time, 2012 seems so far in the future and you think gosh, I bet we'll all have flying cars by then. But then 2012 rolls around and there is still no personal robot in your room or traffic in the sky, but you still enjoy reading what you used to be like  how you haven't changed a bit in 4 years.  Cheers to that.

Off to visit C's little sister at her place of work which conveniently happens to be a bar in Raleigh with 1500 different types of beer. And good pretzels. Cheers to that.