
Some people just get it

Like the people of Aer.  I know that pretty much no one besides me it's just E thinks Aer is as cool as I do, but maybe one day it will be quiet where you are and you might want something to press play about.  Enter: any of the 8 tracks playlists I've shared with you on this blog or on @shanlife /any of the playlists you find on that magical world of a music site yourself/ this catchy little single I'm sharing with you right here right now:

Other things I like about this summer so far:

1. Working for hours on end some days of the week so that on other days of the week I can do absolutely nothing besides get in the sun and stretch out in nothing but a bathing suit.  And the weekends spent playing all night on Franklin Street or taking road trips to places we've never been.  This summer has really given a new meaning to the term "Work hard, play hard."

2. Dog parks. Basically just the one, which isn't even much of a park, just a smallish link-fenced-in yard with some muddy patches and a bunch of happy pups running around.

3. my iPhone. And all the pictures it takes.

4. Seeing C, her sea-spray blonde hair and addicting laugh and awesome colorful pants. It's been the longest time since we've been within single digit miles of eachother, but time ain't really got nothin on us.

Gosh I missed her