
Lab life

It's 80 and sunny today and I'm in a -20 degree lab wearing a fleece. This is a source of recurring angst for me. Happy summer! Also disappointed iPhone doesn't have a degree symbol. Also while I successfully made it to my bed last night, the phone successfully didn't make it to the charger. Happy 27% battery! Also ate too many baked potatoes for lunch, and apparently sometime between the last time I ate a baked potato and now, I decided it was good idea to eat the skin, too. Conclusion-my stomach is experiencing awkward pains. Some girls go on summer diets. This girl goes on ogre diets. Do ogres eat potato skins? I feel like they do. One last thing- don't look at the pimple that showed up on my cheek this morning. Concealer? Naah. Today's a good look for me, eh?