
Okay I get it let me think I guess it's my turn

Current flings
fling (fleeng) n1. A brief sexual or romantic relationship. 

So.. like these: 

1.  Lupe circa 2007. Read: Lupe Fiasco's Food and Liquor
2.  e.l.f everything and I'm rolling in the $$$
3.  The thing my hair does when I don't brush it when I get out of the shower
4. Narnia-like Neuse River trails that are actually non-existent, but to C and me, are very much there and hike-able. 
5.  Freshly pierced ear cartlidge. (mm sounds hawt)
6. C's homemade guacamole. Goodness is just the first of too many words to describe. 
7. Bus lines. And all the friends I've been making each morning I refuse to make because I hate public transportation and will continue to walk on board with my no-drinks-allowed coffee drink blatantly in hand and sit down in my awful Bill-Cosby-sweater-like-carpet-coated bus seat keeping my sunglasses on and my earphones in until I am safely to the comfort and familiarity of the elevator in my lab building that talks to me like an old college friend. She says, "Which floor would you like to go to?" And I say "4th, please," and she says, "4th floor your highness" and it's like we're sophomores again. I don't take the sunglasses off or the earphones out until I stop to unlock the door to my lab. The whole thing of it makes you feel like you're Mila Kunis in Book of Eli.
8. The package of 4 chocolate chip muffins from the HT bakery of which I refused to look at the fat content, but did anyway and multiplied it by 3.5 and proceeded to nod my head like, good. That's just about how much I needed today.

What else I need today: for it to be over so I can get on with this LDOC of this godforsaken summer session that has taken 6 weeks longer than expected to arrive. 

Here's a song while we wait. R's favorite. haha