

I have to write really quick about going into this church, because it was one of the most moving experiences of my life. We were hanging out at this palazzo one night, not doing too much and all of a sudden one of the guys tells us to follow them. Apparently these churches only open for certain periods of time certain days of the week, so if you want to see it you have to go when it's open and we just happened to be sitting there when it opened (and dressed appropriately).  And this church isn't even a main attraction or a touristy spot, it's just like a church in the city. But oh, my. I walked in, looked up and around and the goosebumps came. I started tearing up and tried really hard not to cry. It was just so grand and beautiful and powerful. I'm not even really religious but I really knew God was in there because it was just so overwhelming.  So I just wanted to say that I know these churches here are a big deal, but I guess I never really got it.