
The good, the bad and the awkward

The good 
-The way our kitchen smells like butter at night when everyone's home making dinner.
-Discovering one of the roommate's band Manchester Sound. Dude can sing.
-New Gucci perfume. It's new and perfect and sexy and takes all of me not to spray myself down every morning and choke up the roommates.
-The restaurant we ate at in Cinque Terre. And the waiter who came over and whispered in my ear "you stole my heart."  You stole mine, Pablo. Or Paolo. Couldn't really understand you.
-"Daddy Knows Best" videos at the kitchen table. That's all.
-The boy roommate who always does the dishes without ever saying anything about it.  The girls in this apartment are usually too busy eating Nutella out of the jar anyways.

The bad 
-the seat design of public transportation. They curve over at the headrest so your head is being forced down to your chest as if they want you to have bad posture and be highly uncomfortable for the ride and I don't know if it's just me who feels like I'm in a torture chamber sitting in them but they're awful. Just awful.
-Our tiny washing machine that washes like 2 pairs of jeans at a time. Also, everyone has to unplug their laptop chargers for it to work. Oh, the quirks..
-Craving ice water like a crazy person but Italians don't believe in ice.

The awkward
-When everyone comes over to pregame and one of the boys breaks a full bottle of Smirnoff on the ground..
-Roommates flirting with roommates having crushes on other roommates. This is the Real World.
-Using a drawing pencil sharpener to sharpen an eyeliner pencil and later having slight suspicions you'll have lead in your eye forever and go blind and die.
-Wanting a normal sized coffee I can sip on, so trying to order a "caffe lungo" and ending up with a regular shot of espresso in a huge mug. What? ~Apparently ordering a whole cup of coffee is an American thing. In Europe you either get a shot of espresso or a frothy cappuccino.. neither deliver the satisfaction of a medium DD iced coffee.~
-Facetiming in the bathroom because it's the best connection in the apartment without being in the kitchen where everyone else usually is. *someone walks by* *sup*
-Not understanding how to purchase produce at the grocery store and having to leave the register mid-checkout to go figure out how to weigh your bananas to get a sticker with a bar code. Yes, everything is written in Italian. Yes, there are 26 people in line behind you waiting.

Call it what you want, honeymoon's over. This is life in Firenze.