
Pick me up, oh, from the bottom up to the top, love

Ev a ree dayyyy

Every day this is what's for dinner. #italyproblems 

But today I tried to mix it up and put chicken and chopped up onions in a pan with some butter.. and when everyone came home it was an OH-MY-GOD-WHATDIDYOUCOOK fest. I tried to explain I literally just threw those foods in a pan as if I was playing kitchen in elementary school or something, but I mean if they want to think of me as Top Chef from here on out then that's on them. I'll just answer to when called upon carry on with the oh gosh, no, not me's! Here here for domestic triumphs!

and good playlists

MOOR GOOD LOOKS (pretend like all the OO's are eyeballs) 

-Gas stoves. Have won me over in the internal struggle vs. electric.  I didn't even know gas stoves still existed- which has brought me a lot of dumb blonde smack from my roommates #caryproblems- but now I know and prefer gas ones. They'll boil water even if you watch the pot, and before your stomach starts eating itself while you wait. 

-The iOS6 little monkey emojis because they are just so little and cute and I just want to pick them up and pet them and talk to them in high pitched voices all day.

-Beer steins fresh from Oktoberfest, sitting proudly amongst the other taken bar glass in our cupboards. We've bred a skillful team of bar glass collectors in this apartment.  In a league so premier we don't even use regular cups anymore. Gotta make the 6.5 euros/drink worth it. 

-Facetime with my littlest bro who just got a fresh haircut and his braces off and could quite possibly be the handsomest fella in the world.  Actually no I'm sure he is. 

-Masquerade ball masks to be worn around the apartment at all times, especially when doing laundry, buying Swedish House tickets online or drinking green tea. Whichever you feel is more appropriate. 

-The Boboli gardens but not really at all because sitting up there in the sun for 3 hours of class while you paint the city and mosquitoes snack on every part of exposed skin would be suicidal without my friend K to complain with and the new Ellie Goulding album on repeat to remind me it wont last forever. 

-I get gelato every day. 

Now stop tweeting about movies and snuggling up on your man on this cold rainy day.  

It's 72 here, we have all the windows open and it feels fantastic.