
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing" -Socrates

Before I left America, my grandma reminded me to have a wonderful time and not to order coke, order beer.  That the coke isn't good here, but the beer- The beer is good.

After classes, I like to walk around the city for no particular reason other than I really have nothing else to do and also I like being by myself way more on average than your basic loner.  Today after class I was walking in the direction of my apartment on the other side of the river and realized I really didn't have anything else to do. I mean I could always go into the studio and work on projects, but obligations.. there were none.  I didn't have any more classes for the day, no work to go into.. no baby to get home to.. (haha.. sorry I read mom blogs) but there I was, walking along Via back-road-something with a free afternoon and a cute outfit. So I decided I'd keep it that way. For a few hours at least. I was trying not to eat until dinner because we got really drunk last night and had enormous amounts of some late night snacks but I was starving and it was around 4 anyways.

Learned in class this is an American crop.
Midway through the legs.
Italian crop is an extreme close up
So I went to this pizza cafe I recently found that is so yum and doesn't make you pay to sit at the tables outside and got some pizza and remembered not to get a coke. You are the loner American girl, I said to myself, sitting down by herself with an entire ok yeah, an entire pizza and a beer and you don't even have a phone to look at to pretend like you have something to do.

It's not that it's even that weird to eat at places by yourself, I just manage to make it weird because I end up staring at people until they think I'm plotting to steal their children.  So it's a tough thing to get used to, sitting by yourself without a phone, but at least I had a cute outfit.

It took me 42 minutes to finish eating and drinking and staring.  And when I got up to throw my plate away I tripped a little bit on my chair, which definitely absolutely everyone just saw you do that and stopped eating to raise their eyebrows at you and hide their children and you're like wait I promise I didn't trip because I'm tipsy, it's just this chair see it was like this.. Then I realized no one cares and definitely no one was looking so I just hurried away.

But then there it was again- where was I headed? Anywhere never really means anywhere, you know,   but it kind of did for me this afternoon.  I took a random turn on Via shoot I swore to myself I would remember the name of it where walked inside a little piece of perfection called Zadig and Voltaire.  And some hours later I walked out and decided it was for that brand I wanted to work. For that brand, I wanted to stay up late hours on my computer working on mood boards. For that brand, I wanted to spend the afternoon with everything spread out on my kitchen table and my fingers sore from holding scissors for too long. For that brand, I wanted to wake up that extra hour earlier to be sure the scans looked good before they were due.  I can't explain it, but something just clicked.  It was like all the designs, the colors, the attitude of the entire place were all stacked up in the middle with a sticky note that said "Art Direction for Zadig and Voltaire: the what Shan wants edition" 

So I don't know, whatever inspiration means these days, there was mine. Inspiration makes you feel like the moment is so magnificent and grand, like it's a landmark day in the history of your life and there's finally something to look at out the car windshield. Glad I was wearing a cute outfit for it.