
Things, as of late

-Fridays, and precious redheads
-Mario the fresco prof has starting bringing us breakfast from the bakery across the street.. So with that and the American style coffee he makes us every morning.. Mario you're in the running of becoming Italy's BEST PROFESSOR IN THE GD WORLD and you make it really hard not to be consistently excited to wake up for a 9 am.
-When I walked into a building trying to figure out if it's a police station and literally had to resort to asking "excuse me.. where am I? The man pointing to his badge did nothing for me but thank goodness for the bilinguals of the world.
-iPhone pictures of my mom's kids posing in front of the whiteboard all dressed up for tAcKy DaY.
-Italian college kids that have to hang out with us on Fridays so we can practice conversation. It's like  the x-rated version of Italian class. Let's just say we aren't learning how to say "I studied and went to sleep last night" Alone, at least.
-Dates with girls at a ristorante where you sit down sober and stand up, hours later, not sober.
-I haven't been very good about taking pictures
-Sitting on roofs under sunsets for little trips to aperitif heaven. We do a lot of sitting here. And a lot of aperitifs.
-My bunnies were jealous of the baby lamb from the post I wrote about holding a baby lamb so that was awkward. So was skyping with them.
-Mastering the art of making the perfect amount of pasta for one serving. No more still-hungry lunches or ohmygod-are-you-sure-a-box -is-one-serving dinners?
-It gets very very quiet outside the apartment on Friday afternoons and I like thinking it's because everyone's cuddled up at home relaxing after a long week.
-Swedish House Mafia is hot and I'm seeing them in December in Amsterdam so there's your 99% probability that I'm staying here forever.
-Starting not to care about anything back home anymore, minus people, and it's kind of sad but like, no, Twitter, I don't want to follow Michael's and Topo, your specials today mean nothing to me because I think I don't miss you at all.
-I cleaned our bathroom and it was half- awful never doing this again, half- satisfying. And half- unspoken best roommate of the week award. And how the boyfriend (!!??!) thought it was "so nice" from 8000 miles away and.. doesn't even live here. I'll do it a hundred times again if he keeps it up.

Ok when you put cleaning bathrooms on the list it's time to stop the list. But aren't clean sinks the best?