This is going to be really boring, fun post to come.
I've been having an absolute wonderful and relaxing day, mainly because it's Sunday, and also because I wanted to. It was gorgeous outside (still is) and I did a lot of porch swinging (even tweeted about it), frat puppy-walking (she steals my heart every time) and making a delicious dinner for myself (it involved mangos) while I soaked up an even more delicious sunset. My room is deliciously clean (and vacuumed), my ipod is updated and ready for a long day at work tomorrow, I sold a painting last night (woo!) and got commissioned by a friend at Wake Forest law school to paint another (getting started this summer). I'm going to the Channing Tatum movie in a bit, before going out for a good (and old) friend's 21st. I also was at her 12th. Those kind of friends are the best. I don't actually remember the name of this movie, I just know Channing Tatum is in it and that he's the sexiest guy in the entire world. I'm getting dinner at my new favorite Duke place (the armadillo grill) with the bro to hear all about his formal in Savannah this past weekend. And to tell him all about my weekend, the time when I was surrounded 24/7 by the best and most fun friends/pi phi girls around. #STORIES. I've got senior bar golf Wed. night where I'll master my little duties as my big's Caddy. Then T-shirt and Jeans karaoke cocktail Thursday where I'll get to debut my Carrie Underwood voice that none of you know about. Probably because it only exists in my head. In the shower. Or car.
Eh. I don't feel like having feelings.
Remember this? From AIM profiles in pink italics? May be outdated, overused, but still hasn't expired in my mind.
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them."
-Carrie Bradshaw
Ohhh, found another good one. Which is probably why it is under "favorite quotations" in my Facebook profile.
"I get it now, I didn't get it then. Life is about losing, and doing it as gracefully as possible. And enjoying every minute in between." -Mia Farrow