
The night city grows, look and see her eyes, they glow.

If you had a PINTEREST, we could have one more social media outlet to take over each other's walls/timelines/pinboards on. Just kidding, I haven't really been on mine in a while.  The whole copyright issue freaks me out. And being interested in design as a career, I can't splash around in that puddle. 

But I got on today and came across this little gem. And not only have I admired Anna Wintour as a professional role-model since I've been studying design, I think she's the absolute key person to look to when you feel like you've been taken advantage of.  She's the kind of woman who will slap you across the face, tell you to stand up and get back in charge.  Then go tell you to do something about those nails.  Ms. Wintour, I am working so hard to be like you one day, and when I am, we're firing everyone in the workplace without a manicure.  

work hard and be nice to people 

soul food